Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation Islamabad Tender Notice for Consultancy Service,Consultant , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** EKPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR HIRING OF A CONSULTANT IN ZHOB AND PISHIN ELS FOR THE EXPLORATION OF METALLOIDS AND PRECIOUS MINERALS OF PMDC Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation (PMDC) is a pivotal entity within the mineral industry, Commercial State-Owned Entity (CSOE) underthe administrative control of the Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division), Government of Pakistan. PMDC seeks to hire services of experienced and reputable consultancy firnvcompanyfor subjected consultancy. The consultant is supposed to supervise and technically lead the exploration phase- The consultant who is familiar with the tectonic and geological setup ot the area and who has&bulltbe expertise in the exploration of structural controlled hydrothermal and epithermal mineral deposits and who has led diffexploration projects of similaroature will be preferred. Consultants must possess previous working experience and successful track record of the relevant work. Firms must be gistered with Income Tax/ BRA Departments and also needstomeettheb 10 mentionedcriteria: Firm Eligibility Criteria I. A firm must demonstrate a goodsteam of five or more experts having relevant experience. 2. Registered with Income Tax üthority (FBR) and BRA (Balochistan Revenue AuthoriW). 3. Thefirmshouldhaveqtlea of relevantexperience in mineral sector 4. MinimumannuaIturoovérofover10million ormoreinthe lastfinancialyear. 5. The firmshould haveits registeredoffice in Pakistan. Interested parties mustSubmittheir proposals in sealed envelopesto the undersigned on or before 22nd July, 2024 (not later than 11:00 AM), The proposal opening will place on thesame date at I I AM, With the participation of representatives from interested firms. Subsequent bidding process will adhere to the "Single Stage Two Enveftjpes" procedure as perPPRA Rules, 2004. For inquiries and further information, please contact the undersigned, Islamabad Tel No. +92-51-9265123 email: [email protected]. This advertisement is also accessible on the PPRA website and on PMDC website i.e. www Dy. General Manager (Procurement) PMDC Head Office, 13-H/9, Islamabad Ph. No. +92-51-9265123 PIO 1 10/24 O Newspaper ( 02 Jul, 2024) , from Express dated 02 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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