Multan Electric Power Company Multan Tender Notice for Safe Handling,Erraction and Shifting Of Ht Lt Pcc Spun Poles,Pole Plant,Regional Store to Site Of Work for New Connections , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** + MEPCO TENDER NOTICE Sealed tenders are hereby invited from prequalified/ enlisted (Approved Contractor) with WAPDAJ PPMC/ DISCOs/ NTDC/ MEPCO for execution of work according to WAPDA' PPMC/ DISCOs/ NTDC/ MEPCO guidelines, SDI, SOP, Specifications & Design / Drawing, having valid PEC license with special code EE-04 & EE-05 & EE-06 renewed for year of 2024-25 underthe jurisdiction of XEN (OR) MEPCO Division DG Khan as per following details. Teneer No. 02.OGKJ2023-24 Eligibility ot contractor can be purchased Earnest money Performance guaranty Tender foo Oate & time of issuance ot tender documents Reeoiving tenders opening oate Place of tender ing Operation Division Khan other than Fort Manro b. Fort Manro Sub OffiCe DESCRIPTION Safe handling.ErraCtiOn and Shifting Of HTS 'T f spun poles of & 58' etc, trom POIO Plant I Regional Store to site Of work for connections etc MEPCO OERA GHAZ KHAN. Amount in {Ineluding all taxes) 02*i11ion Tender documents will be issued to onl followin firms: - 2 3, 4. PCO (Approved Contractors) frcm are ptequæ office The Engineer (Dist.) Er4neering WAPDA off,ceofThe Chief Execubve Of,cer MEPCO WhiCh are approved registered by Pakistan Ergineefirg Council frcm contractor vhich must be renewed for the year 2024-25 with Category CS having specialization code (EE04andEE05 or EE•06}. The contractor is bound to produce the documents inor&inal & all copies must be dLAy attested including CNIC of the Contractor Rattner IDirector of the firm, Time period of rates shall remain one year (i.e., trccn the date of agreennent), which can be curtaied lextended as pet MEPCO requirement or till completion of bid amount. whichever is better in the interest of MEPCO. Which provides Celtificate ad performance I non+ack listing / debarrirg.The firrns who have been three wamings by Employer i.e. WAPOAPPMCOlSCOs/NTDC'MEPCO may result in rejection of his bid. From the office of the Executive Engineer (Operation) MEPCO Division Operation Dera Ghazi Khan Near Centre Jail MEPCO Complex. CDR containing earnest money 2% of the nt must be accompanied with each Tender separately, CDR must be framed by the tenderer The successful bidder/ tenderer shalifurhish the employera 10% Performance Bondi' Security in the shape of Bank Guaranteejgond, Bank Draft. Pay "Order or CDR from a scheduled Bank of Pakistan in favor of Office of MEPCO Oivisicn,OG-Khan valid fdr 365 days (extendable upto the extent Of completion Of work.) of the total value 01 contract Subject tocompletion of work with the acceptance of Letter of Intent within 14-days from the date of iss of Letter of Acceptance failing which contract shall be awarded to next lower responsive bidder. Rs.200DJ- each (No single stage envelop. Tender documents WiWbe ailable on or before 23-07.2024 (during Office hours) from the Office Of XEN MEPCO Division Original valid PEC Registration Certificate and original COR Shall be pmvided be fore issuance of fender subject to providing the requisite documents as mentioned above. No Tender will be snld on date of •ng:• Tenderdoc rBerås will be received on 24.0712024 upto 12:00PM. Tenders opened on same day 24.07.2024 at 12:30PM. the Executive Division Near Centre Jail. MEPCO Complex DG Khan 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. the taxes implemented by the Government Shan be deducted from the contractors bills. Electronic Bid Shall not be permitted All the proceecfing of the tender be observed according to PPRA Rules. The rate quoted by less than 20% from analyzed calculated rates previous approved tenders rates, the contractor have to submit 05% total bid as performance security ih the shape of CDR vithin 15 days before approval Of rates, in case Of nan-submission Of 05% security 15 days. the competent Authority has right reserved fcr cancelation of tender and 03% earnest money also would be forfeited. The 05% security be retumed to contactor on successfully completion of works, othemise earnest money i.e 05% will be forfeited. "Tender documents opening committee reserves all rights to accept or reject any/ all tenders without assigning any reason". Executive Engineer (OP) MEPCO Division D.GKhan c ewspaper ( uz Ju , 'zuæ) , from Express dated 02 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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