Public Health Engineering Division Quetta Tender Notice for Procurement Of Drilling and Development Of Bore,Boring Works , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE Tre Executive Ergineer. Pubic Hedth Ergineenng Quetta are tenders from appravea Government Cmtractors Tenter Fee Rs.1500'• and Bid Secvrity itt Shape 01 Can deposit fo«each won. 3 6 14 IS 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 28 29 30 31 33 36 38 39 WS PSCP & b:re WSS Stret PSOPN6SCO!. WSS bo'•e WSS P'•nvy sa•m street WSS PEOP Coli-to & WC WS Jarria Abdul Aziz S. so:y. Coir' S. d bo'•e WSS Oi Janm A. d bo'•e WSS PSOP WS PSDP roses. wss s.oo PSOP Cotilg & WSS Urrw *SOP WSS An•« rh+;• 9SCP Cnii-g WSS PSOP WS snt PSDP '0.5182. WS zem PSOP *1.5122. PSOP re.sua. WS PEOP WS psop & bre WSS PS.OP S.SIO Cniro S WSS street Kt*0f'SOP & bere WSS Rosam Syed P'SDP SOY. WSS Grouse PS.OP psop WSS Gu street st« PSOP WSS Sabz•ia WAPOA WSS rear PSDP• Clevegp WSS PSOPWS87a. wss psor so. 5875 PSOP Nd. sea. WSS W'SSrt•t 'theP•3 rzød b*'" PSOP paseo. WSS Haw WSS PSOP ro.sgx. WSS Sh±dö PSOPN6ES06. WSS Sardar Shawani Pg&e St&Ü1 PSOP '€.S91V, WSS Ga•oei'l cnagv•rg PSCPW5834. PSOP 7440 7440 6780 6780 7.440 5360 5360 7.440 M 7,440 TSE NO 23240646639 a.ü%466433 232406466643 22406466683 2324064668"' 22406467050 242406467073 232406467123 o 242$ procuremåéåéi±ii 10 acccdÅnce Pub'ic Procure Regulatory Authority rules, 2014. ELIGIBJLITY:- a..gmee Years Reve.•ar.t Ei*lience. b. Turn- Coer of at years financial capacity the firm. Cmtraq must have ift the Engireer OsviStn PHEO in Onlling Category Sar dnllhg work cu financiS year 2024-2025 d. The contractor must have registraticn with tax authartes i.e Sates department anc Baluchistan Revenue Authority.'BSI Sj vald 'EJistraticn with Paus,gn Ervgineertngcouncii category Who have deposited lee vear 2024-2025. ton•det fee d0COSdCd read af aaaunt C' 02726-02 through green etanat•• ariiinat in State gatk Of PakistanWatjonal Bank of Rs. tS000f each '*06 given as above. e. The detail cdeach works are available on B- *PRA web3ite. Method Proeutemeot:. Sift* stage, one Will Issuance, Tho tondOt formmacuments *'ill bidde.•s./contraeors oublishin•9 af na&e in newspaoe•rs 18.072024 11:00A.M from the i.e tertd•er fee (Non-refundable). SecurRY!Eamest money in shape ar The tenders Wil coen presence an • • dale is 13•07• 2024 at 11:00 AM Opening:- The tender be 18.07.2024 at 1200 P.M mace of Issuance, submission, inquiry and opening be:- Address:- office of the Enecwve Ergineer jail roac ear Maruer Factors Ouetta. Wepnone and It may be rated hat no ray *Ill be accepted'entertaned and Firm cc•mplete tiffe nan-é shcub:i be wntten cn degosit. Only cGnal ccntraur are albwed to particpate in the tenders kith CAIC- AgenbRepresentatrve w," be allowed. the terms Of the detail be fro:rn the office Of the undersignedin any office hours. PRO EXECUTIVE ENGINEER. PHE OMSION QUETTA. c e WS paper u, , from Jang dated 02 July, 2024
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