Public Health Engineering Division Mastung Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE iWhtes se•üd Percentage rate tenders oase•d ort CCfitCOSite GC.t'Odü C' rates 2023 Of 8.31•CCtiG.tan interested connctor.'firms forthe wct'ks Tender Fee Rs. 633-1500-3500 ofeach TSEWcdsand deoosited in head af accmnt C02726 Bank in NBP, Earnest Mcoey Rater' Shape of Cil Oegcs,itlar each work Sr.No. Kameofsehemg 3 AT KILLITAKKARIABOULÖREEMRODENI OISTRlCTUASWNGÅPSOPN04990) 1. 3. SIOPEPiperSE.242SOid6&13 CONSTRUCTION CFWATERSUPPLYSCHEUE AT KJLLIWRGL'ARAWKHANLAKPASS OISTRICTVASTUNG.(PSOPNOABSZ) 1. ü.ilWMTSE.242S0746T790 CONSTRUCTIONOFWATERSUPPLYSCHEME (PSOPNO:S1501 2, smuorsurS»temtSt.242SOU68033 Prccuremgnt shall be made Publi 2014. The regstratiO•n with Pakistan CCuncil in 7.058 O.S*S 0, sgo g. 506 0 e valid and registration with tax authcritfs i.e TN, sa & BRA Department) Where applicable. rnree vant work. Turn last s. METHOO OF PROCUREMENT:- we stage cne BIO SECURITY. bid must accorrgany bid security.i@ pe of Cali Deposit af arncunt above ift the nam•A4Vthe 'arm a TENOEROOCUMENTS* can be c:btaired from the undersigned upon peyment (NonRefLfidablej 8ddicg gc•aæits fee arnoura mentone.::: a Eave each CFOIIM under Rec.e•tit lhe NIT and dCCJÄtentS tan also te downloaded B*PRA sta-SSUANCE OF TENDER OOCUMENVS: fc:rrrl the date af c' NM LAST OATEOFBIOSUBMISSIO&. by18.07.2024at$:COAM. cgenec gay at the ctfK* of ucg,ersgnea at 1200 PM. Place oo•svånc.oand SubfiliSSion will be; AJI tortders bC cpened cn "me day at the off•ce of undersér•ed at 12.00 PM. Address: Office aftne ExecutiveEngneer PHE Oivis•on at Masturg., N0te:.Ofily cat"ltractctifirrn are'ticø.ate itt with CNIC. Agentrrovesontatjve will rot allowed .The unders@ned regr.•e the light to reiee all cg any bids wttnaut assgnrnent af am reason thereof. it maybe r.atea that pay Order and Draft Will be firm'S comp*ete titlO"nameshOJbd be written on car degoyt. other terms 8 Cond-nan seerubbtain in t.t* Offce cd urdersigned in routs, PRO No.340i.07-202,a EXECUTIVE ENGINEER MASTUNG c ews paper u, , from Jang dated 02 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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