Khirther Canal Division Usta Muhammad Tender Notice for Procurement Of Bed Clearance,Civil Works,Construction , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The ä.secut&bullwe Kt&bullrthor COI O'/IS'CO usta M urtirnmad h','ltes Sealed Tender Forms Fifi as sc:heaue Composte Scr.ecuk cd Rates 2023, Gas&bullemment c' Saltx:htstan 'from interested fce tt&bullg wcek Bid Security and te,nder Fee Deposited on Headof Account C-03434fo« each work. s.vo. Name ofwork 2 BedClearance Khanpur and Faizabad DistryatS.No.3289 3 306 Minorat 4 and QvbOOiS'try and Shahan. Minors EtCost as.oou 46.00M 45.00M 41.00M Shall in Public Regulatory Authority Rules 2014.QlGIBILITY (a) me Ccuncil (PEC) cu year 202&25 in relevant Category, witn spena&bullaban relevant Codes c' (Irrigation) Registratjcn with reievant taxdepætrnentOOTN, sas tax nd BRA) where apßicable A.:tve upto date. (cl Presence FBR ATL. in original on letterhead dub' and Starnped. Original COR Origins Tender NCO- Receipt) I bidder assgnmc&bullfil of similar nature wara i.n lw years, at at least PKR subsequent previcus vears snowing capacity gtt&bullféfs Regresentatve of Cornpanv ww COW té having a SPOCifiC Authorizatori letter schemes roentisned atove (The Autrotiüti&bullon I,etteti' deed must bC pcovd&bulled on Samo paget Wung RSIOO. dWy attested by Magistrate, ill Ct with wa gad to disqualifcaticn af . has never been Black Rae Anatßis is must be provided BOO Method Proeutement: Single Stage- Tw Enveope Procedure Issuance of BiddinW Tender Oocuments: The tidders be obtained It-e bidi#tl from the abiress mentjcned be&bull10K on prcduction Of Green cttanan (as lee menrjmeg &bullovel to oe deposite(l in the ot account C, in Vaticnal Banu gf_ Satostan (The NIT Burg Document can aso oe øwnloea&bulled from Pre-BidUeedlng: A pre-bid meeting for subiee procurements wil he'd an "8-07. 202' at 1200 PW @ $ the urdet&bullsigred adC,ress mentioned oelow. Deadliß,e Submission of Bidding! Tende« docunents: The lastdate anc tjme cf sunmssicn of biddingu' tender dccunentsw,/l be at 12:N Tectnical ard finarda' Ptopcsals torn intending Contractrssesed in two Opening The TechOicalBidwiI 224 Jib', 2024 at 100 PM, bC%te Pracve&bullrtent Committee iO presenceog cmtractors or &mdashts and cees successful bidders wotte for opening cthnar.ial". The Bid Seeuråty: Tt&bulle Bid Secuhty cf estimated in tre snapeafCall Deposit from schedule BMk as mentioned BidsValidity: Address: Executive Engineer, Khit.h&bulleruna&bull Usta WJt&bull.arrrnad Phone & Fax No. 0838-612227 61389 Email: PRO Naans-07-2024 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER CANAL USTA MUHAMMAD apr.gob O Newspaper ( 02 Jul, 2024) from Jang dated 02 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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