Islamabad Electric Supply Company Islamabad Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** ISLAMABAD ELECTRIC SUPPLY copmw INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) (TENDER No.02 IESCO!ClVIL/NCB-03t0 year 2022%. Sngle Stage- Era:lope zeocedureas cer cetalurder Cuvpeliti'/t Sidding otPFfiÅ Rues. SPECIAL WORKS game 03 132 STATION MES SPECbU OUAHTERS AT *ESCO Of OFFICE CHICHI AND 05 UNE sue COMPLEX RASS.W*AWALPINOI 06 Estimate' 3267"'. tt lendtr Site Comp: Petiot g a.n.2024 IRs.aa.otJ 60 IRs.nnotJ Bid Submission 250.2024 a.07.2&bullou Bid O enin' at 11:30AM at doc&bullatnents. be 'Sued NO 03 CHIC Sia Specia&bullutkg. CodeotCE&bulltm A 8idd"Ɔi/beiupessou, "titl evgerpriseor aw,' huing valid ,GS&bull' cetf&bullcate S. 6. Bidder F8R bankbünceo['i'n&bull 5C%of b. c. d. e. 1:58 their GO R besides song. The teuder will nct reissued to the conttacttrs who have already See" u&bullxkjug in t'isotfte et wilhil' stgeatet:: Deposit Eamest Vo&mdash G cf ot COR in be t' this the Wibepléduc.e security belc«e TendetOwwiop one allteoderunder FRA ru123S (1 y Teeters tgc.rneet Will the petilicauort 01 till 20.24 CIVIL DIVISION 'ESCO o Newspaper 0 u, 2024) , from Jang dated 02 July, 2024
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