Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Naseerabad Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER the office cdåecutve PP&H frc&bullm elg.ble bidders on Nator*l Competitr.&bulle Bddirg (NC8} &bullwho can thet elg.Z&bullitt'f walificabcn as mentioned in Edding Occurrer.E for tt&bull.e worksmentjcned belc&bullw. Earnest Voney2% in shapeof call deposit. TenderFee Rs.1001Y&bull (in shapeofgreen challan form deposited in headof aceountC&bull02716) and Tentative Time Limit work. S.NO. Name Won EYCcst E,' 348.48-1' E.930W- 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 11 13 14 16 18 REHABILITATION OF SLACKTCPROADMIRW*HROAOTOKARAN PSOPN0, TSE-242SC7G8813 CONSTRUCTIONOF TOPROAO SHAKY TO NASEERABAD. CONSTRUCTIONOF TO RAEESIMDADKHANUURANI,SHÅHNAWAZFAOEER CULVERT.ANDZNCS. SPAN 134szna,ocss CONSTRUCTIONOF VILLAGE PSOPNO. TOPROAO MINOR to KORA KHAN 1 PSDP tSIEZ2C24.0060 rsezazscta6B203 REHABILITATION OF BLACKTCPROADWLLACEHAJ'WOULADAD T,waoo (LENGTH I .30 DISTRICTNASEERÆAD. PSOPlS.33ZZ024.C048 TSE.2425C7469J3J CONSTRUCTIONOF&LA.CKTOPROAOFRCMKORARTOPHULEJI Tse-uasouosos CONSTRUCTIONOF PSOPlE99Z20N.t054 NASEERABAO. PSOPl?LU22024.C06d TSE-2ƈSOU69683 CONSTRUCTIONOF8CACKTOPROAON.65HlGHWAYTO*UAH YAR MIR PSOP 1722 CONSTRUCTIONOFELACKIOPROADCOIHSAROARRHANKHOSA CONSTRUCTIONOF OFFICE WA OCHOUSE, TOYAKPAS 1.6SKV1 OH JAMAL' OISTR'CINASEERAB.AD.PSOPÜ'IZZOZ'.C,OSI CONSTRUCTIONOFBLACKTOPRO.AOTEPULSHAKHTO VILLAGEABOUL RASHEED. 200XU12NOSPIPECULVERÜ01STRICTNASEERABAD. PSOP1775Z2024.t05QTSE.2425074701ü CONSTRUCTIONOF SLACK TOPROAO VILLAGE BAGAN UNRANiMO+lAWMADUSVANKHANUMRANlLENGIH2.2SKM CULVERT. PSO* CONSTRUCTIONOFBLACK SPAN CULVERTOISTFUCTNASEEUBAD. psop IQ3Z20Q40056 CONStRUCT/ONOF BLACK TOPROAD FROU CHAKAR JAKHRANI ROAD TOGOVHHAJIMIVHALUVRANI(LENGIHOGOKMIOMRICT NASEERABAO. PSDP TSE-242SOT4706t3 CONSTRUCTIONOFBLACK TO GHULAM [LENGTH I TSE.2425074,70773 KHAN PSPON0.1+3 IJC4 TSE.N2SC747 17819-M 3570m- 77700T- 18042-1/ 22.7914/ 346614/ 29.190-1' sg.ucor- 34.6664/ 27473-M 29.710-M 36.316-M 43.30t.u 17.516-M 3203-1/ 3510mj. 6500tor. Bidding process Of ",orks star bé&bullcafied out in accotrjara with rules Of BüChistan Public & BASIC emtractots mug h8&bulle valid Of PEC it" category C-S and atove with soecjalita&bullton CEOI and CEIO i') teevant dus.dtnne. and regeaton altog with fill date renewal with Tax Autronte:s i.e. INÜN, Sales v.&bullnere aøpli&bullcatye, The prospect bidderIS' must meet t he elig ihility alif&bullgi as mentioned in ute bidd ing M E THO O OF PROCUREMENT r BIODIUGffÉNDEROOCUMÉNrs ISSUANCE. bidet-vg dozurr.erts f:cem tte address mentior*d below tn offce working Yours on in of be dN&bullnsa.adOd ae»ave Rs.10COf- REFUNDABLE) C 02716 hatc&bullugh Governrnent Treasury.watjcnal Bank Of Paean OR Of BFPRA TSE NOS. against esth cd pool.:atjan 01 in newspapers til last date at subto.s,sjco hß, Obtain bidd.r.g accurr,ent aowraoamng them BPPRA wil ago be requt&bulled to prcj&åce eeposttec green fcem ct a Iove tr.entoned fee The accomparied Bid with 'Technical Call at Deposit atov,e in the name af the urdersigned from a Scheduled Bank. Bid security if not found in teetvti&bullcat bid envelop the bid will not bO taken account for evaluation and will be rejected OEAO OF SUBMISSION, sealed envelopes &arty marked with work T8e & Yipe or Progosal, vepared in accordar.æ with insouctbnscortained in the tedding±cument must be dexveæd by hand cenra&bullLAhregistered mail at the address before 1200 OPENING OF CMtmng&bullTOChriOl Bid' atona *ith bid security wib ogene&bulld on the same daviOu 22/07/2024 at 13,00 Fts oogore Committee in the 9tesetx:e o' Bidders Ot they AuthCtize&bulld crocse to attend as specified in Second at'.%irtiß9 "F.nancal Bid' al techricatyquat:fed Did* s) wilt* opened eater. the date of which wa be ccmn&bullunica.ecafter evaluaton ot Bids. F inncjat Proposals c' Technically ron-quaIifÆd bidders wil nod be acened and hus seazuroper,ed. BID VALIDITY: Ninety PLACE OF ISSUANCE ANO SUBMISSION: Executive Eroineor CW.PP8H oepartrnert OiSt'iCt Naseeraböd at oerawu,ad TERUS CONOITIONS tears are Bidding Occus The unsubstantiated or tnoor&bullrect infonma:ton wu l'at,le to 'squatificaion and or legal adon. c ews paper EXECUTIVE ENGINEERIROADS} CW.PP&H DEPARTMENT OISTRICT NASEERABAD A1 0.M.JAWALI u, , from Jang dated 02 July, 2024
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