Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Jaffarabad Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Executive Engineer Road, CWPP&H Oep.artnwnt, Ostlict Jaffazbad invites seüd bids based on CSR&bull20Q3 from esg:ü bidders National INCB) Wtto ÉCOve their Cligitd'ty and as in %diftg works tebaw 2 3 4 10 13 14 16 18 19 20 21 ame o LENGTH 1ÆOKMDlSIRlCTJAFFARA3AD(PSOPNo.1293JWJ24.ClESj TSE-24ZS0746Ut3 VILLAGE NERALKHANKHOSALENGTHISOKUDISTRICTJAFFARABAD 22024.0161) 1345 i' zzcæ.ogaj 1 (PSDP 22024.0149) HASSAN CARO TOVILUGENOOROEENLANGOVEC'OSADAh' HUSSAINKHOSALÉNGTHZ.OKUOISTRICTJAFFARABAD RD ONARPAཇ CONSt O.SOKMTOTALl.50KMOlSTRlCTJAFFARAB,orSOPN0.1352f zzcag.otE4TSE-uasou6879.3 CHOWKI IOAUUANlOlPLENGTH3KUDlSIRlCTJ.AFFARA8AD CONST:OF8'T LENGTH300KMOlSTRlCTJAFFARASAO(PSOPNo.1S94/Z2024.015SJ IPSC*No. TSE.N2SCta69C13 LENGTH I .00 IPSCOONO. TSE.2425C7400SJ SARWARKHCSAKHALIDHUSSAJNKHOSAHAJGHULAMMUSTAFA 23.916M 32.190M 16.908M 32070M 23890M 33.164M 30000M 47850M 16260M 16.027M 23,940M 1620M 33200M CONST:OF8'TROAD3XIOCULVERTVlLLAGEA8DULGPAFOORJATOl 23500M LENGTH' OOKMOlSTRlCTWFARA8A.O(PSOPNo.1S19YZZ024.014TJ TSE.a42507469643 19,990M ANDGHUL.AVOADlRKANRANlOA01SHAKHLENGTHU5*O/ OOSTRICTJAFFAFUBADIPSOPNm18Z2'Z2024M5t) CONST:OF8'TRonvuAGEHLQNA81BUXPANORAMTOHAO LtNGTH 1 CONST: 31 YONORANIUOHBTSHAKHLENGTHISOKUDISTRICTJAFFARÅB.AD DUMB IPSCiPNa 1641 TSE,2425C7470303 TOPROADVIAPANIPEERROADTO USTAMUHAUVAD(PSOPNoƌS2' ILENGTHOZW.OANOWALIUOHAWAOHAUAROAO Ka. IBOS} Z2CN.0333) 16.028M 32835M 36.060M 23,143M 10.000M 0321M 0.339M 0329M 0.6QU 0664M 0800 u 0326 u 0.321 U O,ogu 0.326M 0470 u 0.321 U 0.722M (1463 u 0.200M Bitding process c' afrementionec wcegs WII be caried &bulln acccrcance with tie relevant rules of Balochtstan Public Procurement Authorities 2014 g Pakis!pn Engineering Council CRITERIA: of fRS25WIhnc«be$owardC-Sand above for which is cost abne 2S Wlian. with with til date term-at and as well reqjstratjcn BRA til date a aiteha as ard in-case criteria then i' case bidder(s) *ill be codes CEDI CEID in relevant AuthOtitje&bullS i.e. INTN, Sakes Tax ørascect bidderlS) must rrteet tm ) could rotrneet all or any ore of the above f disqualfed and accc«d.ingly thei gccocsal wit rot be considered naluatdn rega much It-eir profile are. METHOD OF PROCUREMENT'. Single stage procedure. OOCUMENTS ISSUANCE. The tidderiSlcan Oton address in wormg routs ort ptCd'JCtiCO Of green Ice an vrtmrtt Rs.20COf&bull (NON REFUNDABLE) tecostec in the af account Government treasury.nat.orta Batfik of OR can be te TSE Nos. gaven against I of Wblcatjcnaf last eateof submission i .e 22/0'/2024 AM. The contractmsFirms obtain tidding Sac:utment by town10öiing hern from w0 also be requied to produce depcsited green chatsn fc«m of With &bull technical the in fcm&bulli Depoe BmkCuarantee of arrount 01 the Vidersiy.ea a Scheuec Bank. Bi$&bullseeuriity if not in technical bid the bid will ß0tbe taugn into CONOIJCTOFPRE.BIDMÉETIN& Pre-bid rræetng&bulli.Lte held 1 July ION at 1200 PMI in office af Executive Engneer [Road) CWFP8H Oega.nment distre Jaffarabad Oet&bulla Al'ah Mar. AB the Intending bidder(s) are requied ta *tend the said pre-tid meeting on due date and tin'* positivey Uld tefce&bulle attending the pre&bullbid weet&bullna rm,st where gropaseø roac scrterne to cmstructea an as wet approved atea from where road rnaterial be l' any use rßt attend meeting he carcerns,' queies regarding the procurement yccess engtræers estin&bullgtes raise the tidderistal later not teconsdered. DEADLINE OF SUBMISSION: The bids(TecHicaland Finn.cialie in two separate sealed envelopes cleat-ly myked with Prciea Title & Type of Proposal, gtcøarc&bulld in at:oatuana '*ith ae instructor'S oar&bulltairted the Edding must bC by t&bdquoand at the or P". OPENING OF Em&bullelope co-ltxrvng 'Technical Bid" along with secunt'i w' be cge&bullnec on me sarne aay Le. 221032024 at 200 PM tefore Prccuremer,t Ccourittee in the gtgserce of Bidders ce their Authorized representatives '*ho choose to attend as Vie tedding Second Envelope contair&bullng 'finar.:ial of lechricaly quai&bullfed bidder(s) be overed later, the date of whizh will tornnuricated after evauatjcn of Techno Bds. Fnar.:ia' Prcposü Technically ncn&bullquaif.ed tidde&bullrs WII "Of te ocen&bulled ard thus '*ill be returned soa$edoncøened. BID VALIDITY: vnet'f (801 days. OF ISSUANCE ANO SUBMISSION. Otr,ce the at Allah Telephone Email TERMS CONDITIONS: & are trjcarporate.3'e *1811 Occus. The Oic:øers provi&bullmr.g unsubstantiated and j or ncorrec:l informun liabletodisqualificaticn and 'celegal action. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER*ROADS) CWPP&H DEPARTMENT OdSTR]CT JAFFARABAD c eWS paper u, , from Jang dated 02 July, 2024
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