National Highway Authority Islamabad Tender Notice (3) for Consultancy Services,Consultant , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** "SAY NO TO comquprjow&bull GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY (PROCUREMENT & CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SECTION) TENDER NO. 61635) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR THIRD PARTY VALIDATION OF JOINT FEASIBILITY STUDY OF BE-ALIGNMENT OF KKH PHASE-II (THAKOT TO RAIKOT) National Hötrway Authority intends to hitVErøaage a Coasunmt a:ganuatont ffm) for Third Party Validation stuff/ ot KKH to Rauoo&bull. 2, P1000SdS are ilt'ded ttC&euron COC$41tantS ('Ee1ing Flilli$ltlavinu valid Pawstan Enveeing Courcd IPEC' regstratjon cenjl'*in relevant arano Nh on Tax LiSt Federal the criteria mertionea in RfP documen 3, RFP be dOå%t'badEdItCtn NHAiS wetvsdÉ COStOt the sarne can be purchased Icom lhe otr&bullce ot Gencraruanager M-iA,HO, Islamabad dutitlg hours and days Ot' Wtitte,fl 01 Etter with pay amoutngto in lavcc National Hültway Ail thOIty. A PrePrcoosal Cooterence be ly 05. *024 at Hours ot (P&CA}, National HtØW@iAuthOtity, ISIamaoad. 5, P:ocuemera Wilbe car:iedoutby "Single Stage Two Envelopes" procedure. The Proposals convtetc in all rcsgects$.oåccorcance me instnjctjcas provided in thc RFP documera, in envelopesishCA1td' reach on July 22, till 1130 Hours in Genera,' ManagcrF&CA). NHA.hO, Sector and Cleat/ marked party Of Stuff/ Pl'øase&bullll (Thaxot to Rant)' O, COISunants ate submit thCi proposal Strictly in accctda.nce to InstructiCt1S to Consultants (ITCiOata Sleet ot [IC at" RFP Notice. Proposals must be prepated hard bOC& biltng the PC6Sitihty 01 addition Ct 01 page(S). 7. Proposals be cwened on the same 1200 Huts, the Fiftantiil PiOÉOSälS 01 tectuucany litrns be opnø artet lituuatjCtl Of tecirocal evallBttco- Ctt"fl details are pravded in tne RFP 8, The FtfƇE'Cor.suunts unsubsnanuated incorrect ate to action dtsqudffcatjon, g. Authctit&bullg reserves Ru',cs. 10, Advertisemg&bulla iS also ava.Aab& on website at»k GENERAL MANAGER (P&CA) Natjorød Highway Autlvarity P. O. 1205. Islamabad Phone. 051&032727. 051.9260419. Email: c ewspaper u, , from Thenews dated 02 July, 2024
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