Dhq Hospital Astore Tender Notice for Procurement Of General Order Supply,Supply Of Office Stationery,Printing Materials,Mics Items,Repair of Furniture and Fixture,Transportation Of Goods,Medicines,Supply Of Lpg Gas , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** No. IS02fStote/OHOJ2020 OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT OHQHOSPITAUASTORE TENDER NOTICE Scaled tenders are invitcø trom reputed eovctnment registered firmsrsuppuetsf C.onuaeot% procurement and supply Of Items/aoods/seß'ices under the fat Medit&bulll Superintendent ORQ the financial year 202d,202S. 3 S 6 9 items Reni" Furniture & Repoll' equi Sue SWS* o! o' ORD '*editing &bullfHealth CONDITIONS 0.2000 &bull fts. time 20:30to.t te&bullneet time *2.CO n:copv 12.CO Seated tenders may bC submitted to the on the eosing date time which will be or th,e conttaetors/suppliers or authat'ited opened on the same day at 1200 P.M &bulln representative at OHQ Astore. p, Generat State for Diet items. Meditat store VP' Ot potential Contractors must have the co 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 9. c Meditine at tidBöh Astore. security &bulln of MS attached with bids, Potential bidders ate requ of cateeorvin the b01d as per details mentioned against each category must be t separate tender tat each category clearly mentioning the name Of those items ore not indudCd covered after award of tender to successful bidders in determined in with the prevailing maret price at the time Ot the &bullprescrib&bulled supøty/delivery. Alt kind Of taxet. ay be inttuded In the bid pgice and Shan be borne by the firm/deatets 'suppr&bullers/conttacear conditionat ambiguk'us & incomplete tenders shall not be accepted. Geld. registration certificate and non&bullb1adliNEng certificate must be attached with bidding documents. The MS OHQ Hospital Astore reserves the tight to accept Ot reject any one or all of the tenders as per relevant instructigns/guidelines Of PPRA. Complete bhdding documents along with list of Items to be procured and detaitS may be obtained from the office of the undersigned on or before dates mentioned above. IDGR 453/24 ewspaper (OR. MUHAMMAD BAIG) MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT DHQ HOSPITAL ASTORE u, , from Thenews dated 02 July, 2024
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