Common Criteria Pakistan Islamabad Tender Notice for Procurement Of Specialized Management Software , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** COMMON CRITERIA PAKISTAN INVITATION TO BIDS tcmnm CMCiö Pakistan (CCP). a PSV nject Mjrjstr,' of Oefegte. d Pakistan in•htes sealed bids firms/ ctdet software oomp•ies legistered with taoates tax Oepattgnents and wtnale IBRsActi•e (MI) Procurement Specialited Managerratit Seftnrt for tctmron Critegia Paiista.tu website ot Aient biffro document carrying a' details can be Client https./tnw.c:omm.ncri for infumation Eiffira dceumertts of p.'to.rement. etc. ' reg detailed and cor61ions Of the on Rs.100Qf• (Rupees One Thousand only) 3. repattd in Étih Bid tte tung '0th Sewrity,t Earnest rrmey of 5%01 the totpl$d in the shape Bank draft/ Pay order dram, in fJ.our c' Comman Clitetia Patis',an m"ezh Office c' the undesigned b'/ 23.024.10:30 Iechnical •ill be rewesentatö,zsot the PPRA the 23. at in I bidsnill be coeoedooluly 25.2024 at 14:00 huts. c-tv ate eligible suttnit Ot•ttite & as all via pn,Å & Cctvnontritetia Pakistan (CCP). Gcærra&bullot Pakistan. has right at ptiO,r to theaceeptance a gnpogl ASSISTANT DIRECTOR LAB COMMON OfflCE NO. 406, nan. EUCUEE coypte(i f-5/1, ISLAMABAD PHONE 03069584719 EMAIL.' [email protected] PID(D 19/24 , from Thenews dated 02 July, 2024
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