Peshawar Electric Supply Company Peshawar Tender Notice for Procurement Of Transfomer Reparing and Maintenance , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PESCO TENDER NOTICE PESCO invites sealed tender No. 09 (2024-25) from the PESCO approved/pre-qualified Workshops having sound track record of repairing of transformers as per WAPDA / PESCO specifications for reclamation of damaged distribution transformers of the following capacity as per requirement of PESCO. Deadline for submission of bid is on dated 29/07/2024 atil:COAm. Tender No Description Complete/Full Repair, Reclamation of 25 KVA, 50 KVA, 100 KVA & 200 KVA Transformers, (Having 100% available material) 09 Partial Repair/One or Two Leg Repai% Reclamation of 25 KVA, 50 KVA, 100 KVA & 200 KVA Transformers, (Having 100% available material) LOT-I LOT-II LOT-III LOT-IV LOT-V LOT-VI LOT-I LOT-II LOT-III LOT-IV LOT-V ,LQT-VI Circle Name Peshawar & Khyber Circle Bannu Circle Swat Circle Hazara-l & Hazara-ll Circle Mardan Circle Swabi Circle Peshawar & Khyber Circle Bannu Circle Swat Circle Hazara-l & Hazara-ll Circle Mardan Circle Swabi Circle Opening Date & Time 29/07/2024 at 11:30 AM Tender will be received and be opened in the office of Te hicalcommittee on the date and time as mentioned above in the s who want to attend, at PESCO Head Office Committee Room presence of participants or their authorized represe Shami Road Wapda House Peshawar. L iii. iv. v. vi. TERMS & CONDITIONS ESCO damaged distribution transformers will mentioned in the tender Complete detail of repair / reclamation documents. The quoted rates should be firm andfåih Pak Rupees inclusive of all Government Taxes. Tender must be accompanied by &bullGuarantee for an amount not less than Rs. 1000000/- to be valid for 180 days (one hundred & eighty) in the o ank Guarantee / Call Deposit/ Pay Order issued by any schedule Bank of Pakistan. Tender from can be obtain om the office of Chief Operation Officer PESCO against non-refundable amount of Rs.10000/- (perlot) on any årkingdayduring office working hourstilladay earlierfromthe opening ofthetender. Tender will be receive anually and will be dropped in tender box at the time mentioned above. However, a representative shoul e resent atthetime of opening. There will be no salelprtender documents on the date of opening of tender. vii. Tender and Bid våliåity will be 180 days from the date of opening of tender. viii. Conditional tender will not be accepted. ix. Bid received with pooi rates and cauterization will not be considered and the workshops involve will be black listed. x. Incase holiday announced bythe GOVTofPakistan, strike in PESCO or any otherreasons whatsoeverduetowhichthis office remains close on the above schedule tender opening date, the tender will be opened on next working day at the same time placelvenue. (ISB&bullG) FT 01/2024-25 Note: This advertisement is also available on PPRA website, PESCO website & EPADS. O Newspaper ( 02 Jul, 2024) , from Dawn dated 02 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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