Faisalabad Development Authority Faisalabad Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** FAISALABAD DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, FAISALABAD. TENDER NOTICE Single stage single envelope sealed tenders based on item rates are hereby invited for the work mentioned below from the firms enlisted W/th PEC for the year 2024-2025, Sr. No. Estimated Cost Delivery / PEC Bid Security Completion Name Of work ESTABLISHMENT OF DPS&C CAMPUS AT FDA-CITY DISTRICT FAISALABAD millions) 10.161 Category Time C-3 and 14 months above Tender document Fee IRS.) 20,000/- Terms & Conditions: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. The tender document will be issued to oWner of firm or his representative holding registered power of Attorney and on payment of prescribed tender fee as mentioned above. Tender rate and amounts can be filled in figures. words or in percentage basis and should be signed as per general direction given in the tender document. Affidavit of Rs, 1000/- on judicial paper to the effect that the firm has not been blacklisted and is not in litigation shall have to be submitted along with application. Tender will be issued up to 19/07/2024 from the office of undersigned and will be received on ?0/07/2024 until will be opened on the same date after half an hour in the presence of interested bidders or their representatives. Tender/bid documents will be issued to the firrns having Status of active sales tax payer and GST registered firms. Tender/bid doe •ments will be issued to the firms upon submission of the proof of execution of same nature of works in past in any of the Govt. departments. For this. attested copies of Anreptance LetterNVork/Supply Order/Completion Certificate are required to be attached with the application for issuance of tender documents.along with the requisite amount of CDR- Conditional bids and bids not accompanied Yith bid security @ 05% of estimated cost in shape of call deposit receipt (CDR) forrp. •cheduled bank in favor of Faisalabad Development Authority and without attested copies of registered partnership deed, power of attorney. in case of firms will not be entertained. Tender documents can be obtained (rotmthe office of the undersigned on written request accompanied with original and attested-copies of enlistment up to date renewal letter and copies of the above stated documents. N In the case of total bid amount quoted less than 5 % of the approved DNIT then lowest bidder will have to deposit additional performance security under clause 26-A (General directions for guidance of tenders) within 15 days in the shape of deposit at call from any scheduled Bank. Tenders will not be issuedA0 those contractors having inactive status PRA and FBR and whose performance remained poor during execution of works in last three years, The procuring agency may reject all bids or proposal at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal and the procuring Agency shall upon request communication to any bidder. the grounds for its rejection of all bids or proposals, but shall not be required to justify those grounds under PP ules. are enlisted in respective category will be only eligible for issuance of The contractors BidfTender documents as per registration of PEC, The CDR of requisite amount should be attached along with the application at the time of submission forthe issuance of tenders. As per the Clause-7 of the general obligations of the contract documents notified by Finance Department, Govt. of Punjab. Performance guarantee tn shape of COR or bank guarantee @ 5 % of the bid amount in favor of Faisalabad Development Authority is required to be submitted within 15 days of the acceptance letter Web Site Emad Facebook www Ida gov pk FatsalabadDevelopmentAuthonty DEPUTY DIRECTOR (IJD-II/FDA CITY) FAISALABAD DEVL;AUTHORITY FAISALABAD O Newspaper ( 01 Jul, 2ü24) from Express dated 01 July, 2024
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