Punjab Wildlife & Parks Department Bahawalpur Tender Notice for Procurement Of General Supply Food Items,Supply Of Fresh Ration,Dry Ration,Supply Of Medicine,Suppy Of Feed Items ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB WILDLIFE & PARKS DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE Punjab Wildlife and Parks Department, Lahore IPU&PD) intends to invite sealed bids from eligible lidders for Prceurement of Goods / Feed Items (Lnt-Wise] for FY 2024-25 for the animals birds ofCa ive Wildlife Facilitv as mentioned &bullnst cach: Captive Facility fig. 2 3 2 Description Supplv of Supply Supply ct Supply Supply *afoc Supply Uedicine Supply d iced 'teas Supply cl Estimate 7200000 3682000 700300 7256000 6452000 sooooo Money 2% Submission Rahim Yat Khan 3 Chinkat* B&bullecdEag Cetre 2 General Conditions / CDR 144000 73640 129040 10030 Date a Time 2207.202* 220720* 2207.2024 Bid Opening Date Time 22.07.2024 2207 04:00 PM l. Interested eligible bidders can Deputy Director Wildlife SOOOI&bull (nco-refundable) 2. Tnelastdateof 3. In case downloadi Parks Department u. detailed bidding dccuments from cdfice of Region. Bahawülpur by paying tender fee Rs. , ofcach captive separately. ng Documents is 20.07.2024 (office hours). Documents iron the website Punjab Wildlife & . k or PPRA the tender fee Rs. 50001. paid in the form of cash till 20-07 202* and receipt be attached uith proposal 4. Sealed bidsx plete in all pect must reach in the o! Deputy Director Region, Bahawalpur on or before 22.07.2024 at 100 AM. 5, Technical gids opened the same date the presence of bidders or their authorized at 11$0 AM in the office af Depu!Y Director Wildlife Baha&bullaalpur Region, inside 6. In case of any holiday announced thc Govemmcnt thc tenders v,'ill be opened an next day oct same time with same terms & conditions, 7. Single Stage two emelops procedure as Rule&bull3812ia of hmjab Ptocurcment Rules, 2014 Shall be in this procurement, S. Financial Bids thc teQhnicaliy qualified Idddcts be Olmed on 3007.2024 at DEPUTY DIRECTOR WILDLIFE BAHAWALPUR REGION, BAHAWALntR Ph: No 062-93313095 c NeWS paper -l.ccm u, from Thenews dated 01 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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