Police Department Hunza Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** No. 3036 OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE DISTRICT HUNZA 12023, DATED Juno, 2024 are hvlted reputed pcgcvranent of the cate90ries ot Hunza for the nnan&I year 2024-2025 Last date for submlsslm of etc, opening time and date ot b/ds/tenders Is as set*dl.k each:- Name of Items 3. Others 4 st Date 2-07-2024 22-07-2024 22-07-2024 22-07-2024 of tender Closing Time 1:00AM 11:00AM 11:00AM OI:OOPM Oi:mPM L teders rnay be •t SP Distrkt Hunza before dosirv tirne ard wt*h be by the on mentioned date ard time xeE'ce or their auttnrized repre*ntaUves at SP Office Oistrkt Z a'&aar/supplie cornpkte setup (wm Qats/st*f path vast and past eWence almg vath documentary eviQnce. 3. The have Ns own (shop. su*/es in as Jn or dealer/aFt Eamabad and wil be to denanded to SP mce Hl.mza. 4. The Receipt 2% sancthc•øed budget ot Bank mt/Pay Ordz a bank name ot SP Dl*rlct Hi.nza may attached with doanmts. Terd« au Oepsit Receipt from bar* wu mt 5. The biddlr•o orly registered be 6. The of' Eems if n« covered In *Preaoed Form* be be predent retau pdces In be open market at the of 7. applicable (It any) In the XICe. 8. nblguous Eid Incanp/ete tmders shall accepted, 9. comtnlttee reserves right to accept or reject any one or be to-dets as Irstructions/wldennes of PPRA Rub.33(1). 10. Rrms quoting Inawomate rates otter rates shall not be eontraaoc/suppner be bot.r.d to continue supply ot In cae deli" h chque dw•nce non.release ot 12.02..years expedene docunrnts/cerMcate In relevant neld, vendor nurrber attested rtM.1St be attxhed With IDGB-451124 O Newspaper (01 Jul, 2024) SUPERINTENDENT OF POLICE DISTRICT HUNZA , from Nawaiwaqt dated 01 July, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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