Pakistan Air Force Rawalpindi Tender Notice in Nawaiwaqt newspaper of 01 July, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of Pakistan Air Force Rawalpindi Tender Notice ( PAF ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
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MT Spares & MT Filers for all types Of vehicles etc., MT
tyres & MT tubes for all types etc. AJI types of Batteries
DryLiquid etc., Aji Conditioner ReviNon-Rev up to 5 Ton
etc., MT Lubes (Engine Oil 15W40, 20W$0, SAE40, Gear
Oil GL4, SAE 75W90, Brake Oil, Grease GP, Gear Oil
80W90, Rigid Axle Oil LGP, Transmission Oil, Compressor
Oil Oil. Lubricating SAE 10 etc., Packing & Storage Material
(Carton Boxes all sizes. All types Of Polythene Bags Lock,
Polythene sheet in KG/MR both, Bubble Sheet, Foam
Sheets all sizes, Thermopore, Hard Foam, A1 types of
Tapes (Masking, Adhesive. Transparent etc) Nail steel,
Lamination Sheet, Lasani Sheet. MDF Sheet, WodChip
Boards, AJI types Of Wood Kail, Wood Fir, Ply wood etc., All
Paints & Dopes. Cleaning Material (Stocknet„ Rags
Coloured, Chamois Leather, Cloth Pcdishing, Car polish,
Glint, Metal Palish, Soap Flask, Soap yellow, Floor Polish,
Soda ash, Powder Cleanihg, Dettol, Polish black, Powder
Bleaching. Plastic polish, Oil etc, Stationary (Tread ball,
Gum-sti4; small-medium-large, Ink videt stamp pad, Tag
cotton SIL. Stamp pad blue; Blanco white, File dip plastic,
staple Pin, Envelop sizes 5 to 8 & u, DO Paper 80GSMi
PPC Paper 70 & 75 GSM, Printers/Toners types etc.,
Refrigerant gases all types etc- Uniform Accouterments
(Coverall FlyingtEng, Cap. Barret, Track Suit , Sports Shoes
Name Tag/PAF Tag (Synth), Pak fiag Metal and Synth, Vest
Combat SummenWinter, Vest sage green summer, Winter
Jacket anti static all sizes etc.), IT equipments „ Networking
equipments etc. Note: Sealed Tenders of Common use
items are invited for one-year contract (FY 2024-25) under a
close frame work agreement Details Specification and
annual estimated Qty subject authorization and trend
analysis (which may be vary 5 to 10% owing to allocated
fund) for LP items can be obtained from Logistics Squadron
No & Mobile # 0321.3213869
Battenes (All types), Tyres and Tubes (All types), and
Oopes, MT Spares and Filters (A1 types), MT Lubes (All
Types J' Grades), Toners (All types), Air Conditioners and
Refrigerant Gas, Wood / Chip Board, Hiring of Mechanical
Transports. Note; Detailed specifications and annual
estimated quantity subject to authorization and trend
analysis (which may vary 5 to 10% oving to allocated frond}
for LP list of common use items and sample can be
obtained from Local Purchase Section (Mobile No:
PAF BASE, MM ALAM (LOGJ 0459-232051 EXT 2273.15677
LCD I LED 32, 40, 49, 55 inches, For any query regarding
technical specification. please contact, Ted 0459-232051
(Ext 227315677). Mobile: 0322-3145052
Sattenes (Acid & Maintenance Free) — 12V 2.5 Amp to 220
Amp, Tyres & Tubes (All Types vehicles), Paints & Dopes,
MT Spares & Filters (All Types). MT Lubes (All Types /
Grade), Toners {All Types), Air Conditioners & Refregrant
Gas, Wood i' Chip Board, Hiring of Mechanical Transports,
Cleaning Material Items (All types), Packing & Storage
Material (A1 types), Stationary Iterrs (AJI types}, Unform
Accountrements (All types). Miscellaneous Items (IT
Equipment, Networking Equipment & Cornmon Use Items),
Note- Detailed specifications and annual estimated quantity
subject to aufrorization and trend analysiS (which vary
5 to owing to allocated fund) for LP list of common use
items and sample can be obtatned from Local Purchase
Section (Mobile 0321-5701259)
LP of Undam accoutremnts. Paints and Dopes Cleaning
material lall items}, Toners for Printer PPC Machine (all
types}, POL Products (Oils & Lubes), Hiring Of Mechanical
Transport MT Spares, Batteries, Filters, Tyres / Tubes (all
types}, Stationary ell items, Raw Material for Packing
Storage & Transp•onation (Carton. Wood Partal, Nails, Wood
Kail, Chip Boards, Tapes, Bubble Sheet, Polythene Sheet,
Thermophore Sheet & Foam Sheet etc). Air conditioners j
Refrigerators. Air Conditioning Refrigerant Gases. and
LIPSfComputer all types including Spares Parts
Accessories for framework agreement in Financial Year
2024-25, Note Quotation Submitted As Per PPRA Rule.
(36B}, Detailed lists Of items may be obtained from Local
Purchase Section PAF Base, Faisal, FCT further information
Contact on under-mentioned Numbers, Landline No:-
835-3870 Contact No. 0323-94357%
0322-6677143, Tel. 051-9527082)
Sealed tenders comprising of single package are invited in
Pak Rupees from Sales Tax - registered firms for supply of
the following items Cleaning Material Items, Stationary
terns, Packing Preservation Items, Note: Quotation Of
above mentioned items are required for complete FY
2024-25 against close frame agreement. Detailed
specifications and annual estimated quantity subject to
authorization and trend analysis (which any vary to to 20%
owing to alocated fund ) for LP list of common use items
and sample along with tender documents (draft agreement
be cbtained from Local Purchase Section No 101 ALC.
PAF {LP Section), For more information. please contact
telephone No. 02149547040, 03218288578
Battery 2.5 AH to 200 AH (Acid & Mantenance Freeh Tyres
& Tubes (All Types), Toners & Ribbons for Printers & PPC
Machines (all types), Cleaning Material Stationary I
Packing & Preservation items, Refrigerant Gas and [Dry
Cells (All Types)), Thinner, Paint, Ephy Samad Bond.
Epoxy. WD-40Contact Cleaner, Tapes (all types). All types
of Guard Filters Recurring Spare Parts (Spares detail can
be acquire from given mobile No) lubes of MT Vehicle.
Uniform accoutrements, Specs I details regarding list Of
items can be collected from Samungli Log Sqn
(081-9503867, 0321-2211194 and 0321 -2656655)
Transportation ot PAF stores from Transfi Depot, PAF Rasp
Faisal Karachi (Port Trust (KPT), Bin Qasim Port) to
diff PAF gases. [Truck, Trailers With container (Height
9' 6"} or without container as required and Vehicle'
Primeovermake/ model coward year 20001, (S No, Type of
Vehicle Vehicle Axle and bed height (feet) Weight ih (Tons))
(a) 20' Flat Bed 2 Axle Single 6' (06 to 10), (b) 40' Flat Bed
5 Axle Tendem-Tendem 6' (18 to 48), (c) 40' Flat Bed 6 Axle
Tendem-Tridem 6' (48 to 58), (d} 24' Low Bed 4 Axle
Single-Tendem 4' go to 30), (e) 40' Low aed 6 Axle
Tendern-Tridem 4' (30 to 58). (0 Multi Axle As required (58
to 80), Note Rates valid for at least 06 Months, detail of
destinatjcns for quotation with Terms and Conditions must
be collected from Transit Depot. PAF Faisal Karachi. Details
of PAF stores and destination wil be informed on "As and
when required' basis by Transit Depot' Faisal Karachi,
Telephone No, 021.99547611, Mobile No 0323-9435(61
(Qty As Req}. Inland insurance cover
Transportation of PAF stores from Transit Depot, PA#ase
Faisal Karachi- Port Trust (KPT), Bin Qasim Pog9fiff
PAF gases. (a) Insurance rate Premium requjlteg per one
Lac in rupees (with taxes) (b) Cover
il be requ'red
before movement of Store / Transportäiiop recept of
formal order (c) Liability j' reimburseine1W'6:n total value Of
store in all cases required 100% total Value of Store WII
be provided by Transit depot store may
be transported or Self driven yment will be made after
approval Of competent fina authority, through Crossed
cheque after deductiongapplicawe Government taxes (g)
Close framework agreement will be out •mcst
advantageous bidder as above•mentioned description for
the period of One Year. Detailed Value of PAF stores and
desinatjcn wil be informed on "As and when required%
basis by Transit Depot; Faisal Karachi Telephone No 021-
99547611, No. 0323g435761
Sunglasses Golden (All SlzesL Sunglasses Black (Alb Szes).
(Ea As Req), Note:• IJse 02 envelopes for Commercial &
Technical Quotabons (Two envelope tender), Further details
j complete specifications, may be collected from NO 110
ALD, PAF (Tele No. 0323-9428714. 042-99507221
Cleaning Material Items, Stationary Items, All Type Of Toners
& Ribbons. Miscellaneous Items (DO/ Cells (All Types),
Thinner, Paint. Elphy. Samad Bond. Epoxy, WO•40, Contact
Cleaner etc.}, Packing & Preservation Items, Air
Conditioners split and floor standing (l to 4 Tonnage}, All
Make Model of Batteries 12V to 200 AMPs (Acid 8
Maintenance free), All Types Of Guard Filters (MT Vehicles),
IT Equipments, Networking Equipments, & Common use
Items, Note: • Detai Specificaticns and annual estimated
Qty subject to authorization and trend analysis (which may
vary 5 to owing to allocated fund) for LP of items can
be obtained from Logistics Squadron (Mobile:•
PAF Base. Minhas intends to sgn closed framework
agreements of commonly used items with manufacturers,
suppliers, distributors and wholesalers as per PPRA Rules.
Rule 16 Therefore, maximum participation is requested.
The details are as following:- Local purchase of all
types of Batteries, maintenance free batteries, dry batteries i'
lead acid batteries, all types of Tyres. all types of Filters
types Of Toners. all types Of Packing & Storage
materie!, a' types of Rags colored (general and lxl). all
types Of Cleaning material items, all types Of Stationery
all types of 00 i/' PPC Paper. all types of Engine ail.
Hydraulic Oil, Gear Oil, Transmission Oil, Brake Oil. Greases
ILubricants. all types Air Conditioners inverters (1.5/2) Ton
Reversible Non•Reversible, all types of Paints, all types of
PCs I Maintenance Terminal(Laptops), all types of Printers &
PPC Machine. Paper Shredders(Heavy Light duty). all
types of Cameras, Hiring of Civil Ttansport from PAF Base
Minhas to all cities of Pakistan and back and Local
Purchase of Flying Coverall (all sizes) (As Req), Note:
Detailed specifications and annual estimated quantities.
subject to authorization and tend analysis (Which may vary
5 to 10%) owing to requirernents for LP Of common use
items can be obtained from Logistics Squadron, PAF Base
Minhas, Detailed list of items available on PAF website (Tel:
057-9503887 0823-9414715)
Battery 2S AH to 200 AH (Acod & Mauntenance Free), Tyres
& Tubes (All Types). Toners & Ribbons for Printers & PPC
Machines GII types), Cleaning Material I Stationery I
Pecking & Preservation items, Refrigerant Ges end Dry
Cells (All Typesh Thinner Paint. Elphy. Samd Bond. Epoxy,
WD-40iContct Cleaner. Tapes (ell types), All types of Guard
Filters / Recurring Spare Parts (spares detail can be
acquired from given below mobile NO) I lubes Of MT
Vehicles, Uniform accoutrements, Specs I details regarding
list of items can be collected from Kohat Log Sqn Contact
No (0922-9260092193. Ext 3860/3887 and 03348973439)
1. General termsand conditions are mentioned in tender form (FS28A). Forms and tender notices complete details can
be downloaded from PAF website "' or can be obtained from respective Bases' Log Sqns on
working days,
2, The firm must be GST and professional Tax registered having NTN,
3. Last of tenders: 17 JULY, 2024 (1000 hrs).
4. Tenders will be opened on the same day at 1100 hours,
5. No advance payment will be made and payment will be subject to acceptance of the items by user activity.
6, Officers Commanding Of the mentioned Base' Units reserve the right to reject any part Ot the entire tender on
technical grounds.
7. Quotations must be valid for days. 8. Sales Tax as applicable must be mentioned separately.
9. Guarantee / Warranty term period should also be mentioned.
10. The agreement will be governed by offcial secret act. 1923,
O Newspaper ( 01 Jul, 2024)
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