District Administration Bhakkar Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PRE-QUALIFICATION Subuect E-RQQUALIFICATIO&OF FIRI,1s FOR THE PROVISIOU OF DIFFERENT SERVICES TO THE Drsrmcr AOMI!USTRATIOU PHAKKAR FOR THE PERIOD FROM JUNE 2024 TO !IOVEMBER Dstrict Admintsttatnon. Intenos to srgn an agreement tmth tcgstetcd firms for providing diff serices in the expected emergent Cood / Disaster in Distnct Bhakkar (or the period ot 6•monIh5 (i c. from Junc 2024 to November 2024) as dctäited below. i Orrangementfor sup*i CooVed food. *Biryani/ Re.e. Flout(Atta). Roti Nan. Vegetable Cutm Cn4en Ootma, Mutton Beef Curry. etc, The cooked foad Will also be needed. as per speafic tequitemcnt, in small packaging i c lunch bores. hampers, otherfood grade packing ii Mangements supply Sugar. channe. Dal mong (washed). Dal masoor. Rice. Roasted Channai tilled Ghee, San. Red chfli (powder). Tarmac ptwder. Tea. Fire lighter With fight along with food grade packing material iii Calcrinqie scmng of eoekedfood Inanimprovigedmannerincluding Palstic Mats(Chattal). Cot (Charpal) tentage I canon Uosqutto Nets, chairs. tables, crockery includ,ng serving trays. Plates Saucers/ Bowls Glasses/ Spoons iv Transpon asunder • OJ Transponauan to and from flood affected areas to flood relic( camps. during evacuation. cenef operauon and phases b) machinery equipments. etc, c) Transpcnauon tar shftng ammalsgtc ot Portraits /flex Photo Sttcame , Banners etc. vi Services installation Of Tcmporary Lights. Pedestal Fans, Generators with a] allied tacil•ucs ot daily rent basis vii Any other item as pet ditc:taonctlhe Competent/ Higher Authonty, viii Anrnal Fodder The shou!d bc attached 2 3 4 5 6 Name. full address and pannershpgeed I power of attorney in favor of person authorized LSt o' Technet Stag. Mana eme t Staff with thercompdete bio data and their proof ot stay with thc firms List 01 equtpment5 nery cqurpments and other allied machinery ete. owned by r.rm With proof of$hip Income Tax. cert'fca:es deptctrng assets and liabilities of the rrm. Performance certificate frorn ptevlous concemed departments. Financial status as per bank statement showcng last three years transactions and cu balance. The firms should have experience or three years in relevant field. Thc rams 'contractors who wish to offer their rates ate d'tected to submt ther bids by 15.07.2024 at I I am and will be opened on same date at t amin the office cf the Additional Deputy Commissionet(fievenug). Bhakkar. Rejection of any or all applications will be deatt with by the procuring agency in accordance with PPRA Rules It any point. conccahment/ distortan of tatts is detected. it would be sufficient cause to reject the appleatvcn for pre-quatlfi:ataon and even aher pre-qualification Further detail of terms and conditiOns I documents. as requtred in this regard may be obtained from the of lhe undets•qned on apWAcrmng day dunno olfre hours Oher oub"catton of tender nonce, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BHAKKAR. (0453-8200386) O Newspaper ( 01 Jul, 2024) IPL- 6281 from Nawaiwaqt dated 01 July, 2024
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