Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Turbat Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Executive Ergineer•Rcad, CW. PP&H Oistra Kech "vies sealed percentage tender based Sd'Cd'Jle af rates 2CQ3. c/ BatJCh1Stan interested contractors j for the work listed Earnest Mcrey of and Terde Fee Rs ZCOCV•'Ct eachno«. SS Name of Won 2 3 4 6 CONSTRUCTCOKOFBLACKTCPROADFRC'*BOYSSCHOOLIOLIBNAN TSE.ü406464St3 ICPROADFRONSALEtMlCEFACtORYTO TSE.aaa406-464573 HOUSE TO TAHIR ENGINEERS OVERSEAS TURBAT(PSOPNO.41UZ2024QlO) TSE-23U06464S83 CONSTOFBÆROADFORRAKHSHANSTREETFROUAL.RAUF ROAD FOR CONSTRUCTIONOf8UC CONSTRUCTIONOF8LACK OISTR}CTKECHIPSCPNO. TSE-22406464673 FROU WAJAMUHAMMADAVWAR HOUSE TO WAJASHOU HOUSE Ar TURBATOlSTRlCTKECHiPSOPNOZ19SZ20802 1683826400 987131.00 g.9N, g.9N, rne srall carnet cut tn _4PPR.An,iles 2014. Prosenoe t' Active tax Payer List. bddirg 1m must nat be procuring agency cf Pakistan. Babc*'istan Revenue Rcgeati00 iS reatjrcø. Thc must have ASSi•arrnent o.' S.iffdi)t rzture of wcek. The bidder must valid Åbanwith Pakistan Ergineering Counci in relevant ar.dC-6 Ice SN0 [Ceneral Civil En$eeing Wonsj , CEO and Pavererts C•tsnage & Retanhg, Structure j. Turnover 7C'% Cd ECOGt last Thr rs, METHOO OF PROCUREMENT. we DOCUMENTS: Issuance: The registered '*ith PEC in tatep•ry in relevant. an Obtain the bidd;rg (X.cuments 'arm the address ct green challan form an an-aunt ct Rs. 2000.1* e •ted in the head of accowni C-02716 through Government C',p •CaC be website Of B PPR.A, 'Of'm Of or it•tOt rewspeocrs tit m e Ly to 101 •date o' subfiliSS'CCl. The ccntractc•s.frms biddng documents by downloaerg from BPPRAweb9te WII also be as mentioned a.baqe should be in If'* shape c' Bank Guarantee cv Oegosit at Cat a scheduled Bank. O,ead line Of Submission: Tt'é 8ddi"A ac•tus filled at'*ChCd Wth O'JPiCS Cd gup•powng ocarnents tmust oe tn [email protected] or ma;l to me accress mentionedbelowonorbefrre18'Jvly.2024at11:00Hrs.Openinw The tender document will eperéd 2024 at 12:00 Hrs. before •roccteme•ntcommittee it tre oresencecf contractors Ct their aumc:rized epresenlatöes•aents, Bid Validity; Oays Place issuance and submission will be;" Address; Email termsand Cor.ditjons: tnew.atl recmsanccoc«zcsarerrenbcoed (Etcceporated) in Wail intitøng documents PRO EXECUTIVE ENGINEER-ROAD CW. PP&H DEPARTMENT, TURBAT O Newspaper ( 01 Jul, 2024) Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing , from Jang dated 01 July, 2024
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