The Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Islamabad Tender Notice2 for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** giZ " Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, GIZ-Office Islamabad Pakistan Call tor Expression of Interest lor ltnplernavtaticn of Recognition of Ptior Learmrtq IRPL) Assessments in Punjab and KPK Asa receral enterpnse. Ceutscne Gesetscnait Gmtlh supp011S lhe German Government in achieving its objectives in field 01 international cooperation sostamable development. The Sector Support programme in Pakistan iS by tttC European union {EU} and lhe Federat Republic Of Germany. The Gesetgsenatt GmbH implememts the Programme with the 8fitish Council in close cooperation wiTi the Nati01El Vocational Teetfii&bullcaj Traillin&bulla CornmiSSi0fl and Olher pubtiC ant private sector organizations in earochistan, Gilgit Baltistan. Khyber P"htÄIvwa and Punjab. Vt'je prowamme&bulls Obiective iS to supp&bullall the development Pakistan'S IVET sector. rccusing on training ror men ant] women in protessjon:s with hiOh demand. CSOCCi311y ili digitat green sk,dls GIZ Pakistan invites quaMi2d firms arid itEtitutiOfiS to sutt-tlit their EOI for the 'Implementation a' Prior Leaming IfiPLj Assessments' in Puaiab ana KPK its TVET Sector Support Programme in Pakistan. Only interested firm(S) have the required in the fieldS Of vocational Education ang Tiäirting {TVET) Of Assessment & CertfflC.ation managemet" expense in ct tormat education sectors and & tvaluation mertise in Pakistan may apply, Iheentivysubmitting have the qualifications 2. 3. 4, 5. 6, Must be a registered Fitm (LW entity in Pakjstan) 05 years and must Itave a corporate Pakistan, Mamtainsan active arid Sales With '!axa flies {i' applicable), 05years&bull least i. Techmjc.aj and Vo.c:ati01L31 Education and fairung sector Assessment C211ilttatitn Brformateducatitnsect0/S, iii Evaluation (M&E}. A pool ot qualified ant an exøenence o! IVET exoerts including professionals With experience in Assessment 8 Ceretion, Monitoring Evalw.ation and data analysis other relevant COfidlJCted at least two in last0Syea:s in pakis:an, Havea financial turnover million in trmast0.3years. Interested firms should V e mgaatiamevideoce ot the requirements in the Each o: state" should be company prolile addressed in separate within the profile and Should documentation proving the required qualification experience. are encouraged to ONLY relevant and tequit"inrcrmation it) the Stiljrtiiltet EOL Subsequently, those firms or institutions who passed tne technical assessment ot EOI lormany invited tosubmil lhe for Proposa' wilh linamcial proposals. A to the not necessarily impry that yout litm Of instfutiCtt will receive the GIZ'S RFP tlte subjectassigmmeltl. reservesthe right to or reject any bid without providing a reason for its Éirms or meet au specified reqtnrementsto qwallty. qualified shotl%sted becontacred, Interested firms O' institutions should dearly melllion the title (EOI} 'trtlte :tmptementalionotgecoanitjonol Prior Learning t8PLjAssessments in Please submit lhe EOI documents in a latest by Friday 12th July tC24 at GIZ Pakistan. C&bull5fI, '$'amatraøepai$tan, O Newspaper ( 30 Jun, 2024) , from Thenews dated 30 June, 2024
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