The Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Islamabad Tender Notice1 for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Gti-Office Islamabad Pakistan Call for Expression of Interest for catering and food services The TVEI Sector Support Programme in Pakistan iS co lunded by the European union and the Federal Republic 01 Germanyc The Deutsche tir Inlernatonate Zusammenarbeit (GI?} GmbH implements the Programme together with British Counci in cosecooperationwith the National Vocational and Technica Training Commission and athet public and private sectat organizations in Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab. The programme'S Objective iS to support the development Of mistan$ WET sector. focusing on training for men and women in proressions with a high demand, especially in digital and green skills. GIZ Pakiean invites suitably qualified firms and institutions to submit their EOI lor the provision of Catenng and Food services {IneaW1unct1i morning evening tea. Hi Tea. Dinnenlftar with catering serviCESJ on the events (wogkSh0PS, trainings, meetings. seminar, conference. etc,) at the project locations for its Support for the TVET Sector in Pakistan Only nterested firms and institutions that nave toe requ&bull partnerships and demonstratable at.perience may ap shodd havethe locowing twcimum eligibility quaMic exoettise in facilitating entty submittjr.g proposals 1, Thefirmn&bullnrsthavelegaIstatusinPakistantrohOast03years. 2. The firm must have business aperient*'" Oroviding food and catering services fat in Pakistan years, 3, Thefirmmusthavevalidregistrationwmftationaltprt'u'incialloodauthuity, 4, Thetirmshotldberegiswedang&bullhav&euroanac1iveNINandSalesTaxnumberandshan applicable laws of Pakistaninprovinces. 6. Thefirmmusthave rof20million. Interested firms Should compilatjontevidence 01 the requirements in the ad a company profile above stated requirements should be addresseg in separate sections within the proffe and should contain documentation pro"jng the required quautiCäti0fiS and aperience. Interested firms-are ON information jo T, Please note that all correspondence, proposals and dealing with the GIZ must be in English, A response to the EOI does not necessatily imply that yw ffm or insMution win receive the GIBRFPforthesublectassignment. Interested firms or institutions Should Clearly mention the title "Expression 01 Interest {EOIJ for catering and TOOd services 101 GIZ TVET Sector Support programme in Pakistan: Ret No. 834655320ntheenvetope, Piease submit the EOI documents in a sealed envelope latest by 17' July 2024 at GIZ Pakistan. Level 02, Serena Business Complex, Khayaban-e-Suhrawardy&bdquo Sectar G-5/1 , Islamabad, Pakistan. O Newspaper ( 30 Jun, 2024) , from Thenews dated 30 June, 2024
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