The Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Islamabad Tender Notice in Thenews newspaper of 30 June, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of The Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Islamabad Tender Notice ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
The Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Islamabad Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** giz CALL FOR PROPOSALS Consultancy for "Comprehensive Market Assessment of Pakistan's Textile Industry" AS a federal enterprise. the Oeutsctte Gesellschaft Internationale Zusarnmenagoeit (GIZJ GmbH suppons the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation foc sustainable development. GIZ•Pakistan through its project cn "Improving labour. social and environmental standards in Pakistan•s textile industry-II" is a strategic initiative designed to navigate the challenges and aimed at enhancirg sustainabiEty within Pakistams textile sector. gy tostring collaboration and capacity• building initiatives among staxet',owers, the paject seeps to improve conditions, environmental practices, ensuring sustainable developmento: textile Pakistan, This Call tor Proposals seeks the participation Higher Education Commission recognized Universities to conduct a comprehensive market assessment ot Pakistan•s textile industry. assessing the cu state conceming ecological balance. social responsibildy. and economic capability, with a view to identifying demands. challenges and pnoritjes 01 the Paustan. Only interested Universities that have the 10110wi uired experience and apply: o rag-or The University must have Textile bacAg dedicated department ot center textile, 2. Hasoverallenenenceotatteast10y the area of applied research 3, Hasimplementedatleasttwosimilayarchassignmentintextileandfashianindustry of Pakistan in past 5 years, 4. Theuniversätymustbeattivegaetand$älestaxreojstered. Ifthey are exempt then proper exemption submitted wilh the documents. The above stated criteria arwc;mpulsory and it any criteria are not met, the University will not quality 101 further essment, General Reqdiremen_t$ All athet requitementsyé providedin the details termsof reference, The university submit their tethilical and financial poposats as per the Bidding Documents. litetestedfirmscanrequestthebiddinodocurnentsbyematngtheirreques,tto latest by Wednesday 3" July 2024. Bidding documents will be Shared via email on 4' July 2024. Please Clearly mention the reference 83468136) in the subjecune. Technical and Financial Proposals should be submitted separately in a sealed envelope. When submitting proposags. interesled trms Should Clea:ty mention the title "Tender number: 33468136 Comprehensive Market Assessment Pakistan•s Textile Industry envelope, Please subnit your proposals latest 29" Jul'/ 2024 at GIZ Office, 2nd FICOt, Serena BusinessComptex. Islamabad. Pakislan. O Newspaper ( 30 Jun, 2024) from Thenews dated 30 June, 2024
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