Walled City Of Lahore Lahore Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** WALLED CITY OF LAHORE Government of the Punjab TENDER NOTICE CONSERVATION/ RESTORATION OF MALIQA KHAWABGHA SHALIMAR GARDEN The Walled City of Lahore Authority &mdash WCLA (the "Employer") intend to execute Project: "Conservation / Restoration Of Maliqa Khawabgha Shalimar Garden The Employer invites sealed Tender from the contractors registered with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) at least in C-5, category and above and specialized code BC-02 having relevant experience at least three work orders Of conservation projects are required on Projects of historic bt914ings /inonuments. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. interested eligible bidders may obtain documents from the office of unders along with tender fee Rs 2000/-for ( only during working hours information regarding the bidding submission of written application II-refundable) which Shall be issued publication Of this tender. Single Stage TWO envelope - ipg,proeedure Shall be applied Estimated cost of project is amounting to Rs. 84,51000/-). Bidder shall submit the CDR/Pay Oraer Amount Rs 500.000/ s. 2% Of estliilated Cost as bid security in favor Of the Director General, W L without which the offer shall be rejected being non- responsive. The tenders will up to 19.07.2024 during Off c e hours and wi II be t&bulleceived on the 407.2024 up to 11:00 AM, and opened on the same day at 11:30 AM in the of the undersigned in presence of contractors or their authorized & committee members. NO Tffider will be issued & accepted after above date & time. Conditi"al & telephonic Tender will not bc entertained- Bid Validity period for each of the bidders is 90 days. NAJUM-US-SAQIB DIRECTOR CONSERVATION & PLANNING Walled City of Lahore Authority 2nd Floor, Imdad Bilqees Hou&euroes 54-Lawrence Road. Lahore Phone No. 042-99204237, Fax No. 042-99204209 IPL-6177 O Newspaper ( 30 Jun, 2024) , from Nawaiwaqt dated 30 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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