Punjab Highway Division Attock Auction Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT AUCTION NOTICE OF TOLL TAX Applications are invited for award of contract rights for collection of toll tax at following toll plaza for the period from 01.01+2024 to 3006.2025 (36S&bullDnyg) through sealed bids. The sealed bids will be received / opened by the Auction Committee / Tender Opening Committee in the omce of the Commissioner Rawalpindi Division, Rawalpindi on the Schedule mentioned below in the presence of intending bidders or their representatives. Last date for submission of applications to purchase Bid documents 15.07.2024 at 04:00 PM Last date for issuance of Bid documents Date & Time for receipt / opening of Bid documents If any Bid not issued [received on above schedule than:- at 04:00 PM -17.07.2024 at IZQL?.ML 12:30 PM Last date for submission of applications to purchase Bid documents *22.012024 at 04:00 PM Last date for issuance of Bid documents Date & Time for receipt / opening of Bid documents Sr. 2 Name of Toll Plaza FOR AUCTION OF RIGHTS OF COLLECTION OF TOLL TAX TOLL PLAZA CHINA CHOWK ON 3- MILA CHOWK ATTOCK TO GT ROAD AT HAJI SHAH. DISTRICT ATTOCK FOR THE YEAR 2024-25 AUCTION OF RIGHTS FOR COLLECTION OF TOLL PLAZA DHOKE PATHAN ON T.H.A.T ROAD KM 167 TEHSIL PINDIGHEB DISTRICT ATTOCK FOR THE YEAR 2024-25 Reserve Price (365-days) 23.07.2024 at 04:00 PM 12:30 PM Earnest Money Reserve Price G Reserve Price: Rs, 86.386 (M) (236674 Per day) DID Const, Toll Plaza 24695 Rs. 61.691Mi11ion (1690161. Per day) to be deposited to the treasury Rs.3.08S Approved by the C.E (North Zone) Punjab Highway Depart&bullnent Lahore vide NO. 1382/P, Dated: 14-06-2024 (iftime period become less than 36S days then the reserve price wu be adjustedfor balance period) Rs. 29S16 (M) (80865 Per day) /- Per day) to be deposited to the treasury Approved by the C.E (North Zone) Punjab Highway Department Lahore vide No. 1381/P, Rs.1.476 Dated: 14.06-2024 (If dme perlod become less than 365 days then the reserve price wu,l be adjusted far balance period) Tender Fee Rs.10,000/. Rs.10,000/- TO BIDDERS: 1. The contract of Right for collection of Toll Tax for the period Of OJ-Year from 01.07.2024 to 30.06.202S (365-Days) will be auctioned through sealed bids at Commissioner Office Rawalpindi in the presence of the bidders, by the Auction Committee / Tender Opening Committee constituted for this purpose. 2, The construction of newly approved Toll Plaza (i.e Serial No. 1) will have &bullto be done by the SUccessful Bidder within 90-days, as the cost for construction of Toll Plaza & LT equipment complete in all respect is included in DNIB amount with the condition that, the bidder will provide Bank Guarantee equivalent to aforesaid amount of construction of Toll Plaza as security guarantee. In case of failure /delay in execution of construction of Toll Plaza after lapse Of 90- days from date of mobilization / Taken over the charge of Toll Plaza. The said Bank Guarantee / Security Guarantee will be forfeited. 3. Net reserve price has been calculated after deducting the proviSions of IT Equipment and 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. construction of toll plaza for serial No-I only, hence these services will be part of this contract in accordance with the bid documents and taxes shall be applicable on these services as per prevailing FBR/PRA Rates. Contract documents can be obtained from the office of Executive Engineer Highways Division Attock as indicated in the above Schedule on payment of prescribed tender fee in the shape of CDR, Demand Draft or Bankers Cheque of any scheduled Bank of Pakistan, In this regard last date for submission of applications to purchase bid documents and last date for issuance of bid documents is fixed as indicated in the above Schedule. The bidders are requested to provide attested copies of their specimen signatures, copy of CNIC, NTN, present postal address and power of attorney (in case of firm) along with their applications which they will submit to purchase bid documents. Only those persons shall be eligible to participate in submission of sealed bids who will furnish / submit a Deposit at call @ 5% of Reserve Price as earnest money in favour of Executive ulcd bank. This deposit at call should be Engineer Highway Division, Attock from any opening of tenders. attached / stapled with bid documents on the Conditional Bids shall not be entertained. Acceptance of the highest Bid shall re with the Chief Engineer (North Zone) Punjab Highway Department Lahore, who reserves &bullght to reject the same without assigning any reason thereof. Other conditions of the auction / tract can be seen from the office of the Executive Engineer &bullng day during office hours before the bidding date. Highway Division Attock on I ecsee to the Government in 12(Twelve) equal installments. The bid amount, payable b All expenses on the preVi ioål operation and maintenance of all facilities mentioned in the bid by the lessee and no deduction from the bid amount will be documents will be admissible. 10. The bidders or his,Åttorney holders as the case may be shall sign each and every page ofthe bid documents and - itial all corrections therein and shall be bound in all respect to the condition, laid down h 11. The highest/ successful bidder shall deposit I't advance monthly installment in the treasury before taking over the charge of Toll Plaza. The highest/ successful bidder will have to produce the Bank Guarantee of amount equal to of his bid amount in favour of Executive Engineer, Highways Division, Attock before taking over the charge of Toll Plaza. The validity period of this Guarantee should upto 30.09.2025. 13. No Vehicle will be exempted from payment of Toll Tax except: (a) Vehicles bearing the number plates of presidency, Prime Minister's, Governor's House and Chief Minister's Secretariats. (b) Flag Cars, (c) Vehicles belonging to Defence Forces or Vehicles requisitioned for Defence Duty. (d) police patrol Vehicles / Fire Fighting Vehicles (e) Vehicles belonging to Officers of Punjab Highway Department & (f) Ambulances of the Health Department / Social Security / Red Crescent Society. 14&bull Successful bidder will have to deposit (apart from services/ supplies part) 10% income tax and 16% PST with his each installment to auction/sale price, 15. Successful bidder shall be bound to pay any change of Tax Rate imposed by the Government during the currency of the contract. Executive Engineer Highways Division Attock Ph No.057-9316125 E-Mail: [email protected] o Newspaper ( 30 un, 2024) IPL-6298 Superintending Engineer Highways Circle No. I Rawalpindi Ph No.OS1-9272901 E-mail: [email protected] , from Nawaiwaqt dated 30 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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