Parks & Horticulture Authority Lahore Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION TO BID park* S Horticulture Autttority, Lahore intends to lease out "Food Court-A- located at Greater Iqbal Park. Lahore through auction for a period of Five (05) years (with one time extendable). for WhiCh it invites sealed bids from National Multinational Food chains, franchises and estabdiShed food brands restaurants S.NO. Entity Location Reservo Price(Per Bid Security Annum Food Court-A Greater Iqbal Park. Rs. 3,000.0001. ender Opening Oate Time 18-07.2024 12:00 Interested parties can Obtain tender form / bidGGg documents for Rs.SOOO/- (non-refundable) trom the office of Director Coordination, PH mediately after publication of this advertisement during office hours Tender i bidding documents can be suornittea on or before 18-07-2024 till 11:30 a.m. in the office of Director Coordination. PHA Bid will be single stage two envelopes basis consisting of separately sealed techmcal and financial proposal. Technical proposal will inctuoe company profile, experience along-With documentary eviaence. tax information. Bank statements for last 3 years, detailed layout and plan for instant Site and other worka•elated details. Technical proposals be opened in the office Of Director Coordination$ PHA on at 12'OOp,m, in the presence Of Evaluation Committee & representative Ot Bidders Bidder will submit bid security in snape of CDR drawn in name of "Parks & illani Park, Jail Road. Lahore" Shall be provided before opemng Of Horticulture Authori Financial bidS Of teeth I qualified bidders be opened and rest Will be returned unopened Time & Date to njng ot Financial Bias will oe comrnuncated aner evaluatøon ot technical bids. Authonty canereject all proposals may cancel the bidding process at any Stage before acceptance Of any particular proposal Any intormatidn or aetat' in tms regard can be sought during office hours trom the office ot the undersigned, In addition to th/S. information provided in b'dding documents should be consulted Any further o detail can oe sought during office hours from the office of the unders•gned Director Coordination, PHA Jilani Park, Jail Road, Lahore Phone No. 042-99200830 Newspaper ( 30 Jun, 2024) IPL-6168 from Nawaiwaqt dated 30 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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