Building Division Chakwal Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. s 1 TENDER NOTICE Sealed tenders based on item rates percentage above or below on approved estimated (ON IT) amount are hereby invited, for the works mentioned below from the contractors firms enlisted with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) for the cu financial year 2023-24 in the relevant category or above in accordance with PPRA Rules 2021 (with upto date amendmznts). Tender documents can beobtained from the date of publication of invitation to bids in the newspaper from any of the below mentioned offices. upon Witten request i) Chief Engineer, Punjab Buildings Department (North Zone) Lahore, ii) Commissioner Rawalpindi Division Rawalpindi. Superintending Engineer. Buildings Circle No 2 Rawalpindi. iv) Deputy Commissioner. Chakwal. Executive Engineer, Buddings Division Chakwal vi) Assistant Commissioner Chakwal The application for purchase of tender shall be on the letter head of company with a copy of valid CNIC of the contractor are authorized representative of the firm with authority letter must be accompanied with the following documents (mandatory requirements). Tendered rates and amounts should be filled in figures as wedl as in words and tenders should be signed as per general directions given in the tender document. No rebate on tenders will be acceptable Tender will be received in the offices of Chief Engineer. Punjab Building Department Nadh Zone Lahore Of Commissioner. Rawalpindi Division Rawalpindi and will be open simultaneously on fixed date and time by the respective tender opening committee at the above venues in the presence of in tending contractor or there representative and who opt to be present Conditional tenders and tenders not accompanied with earnest money @2% of the estimated cost in shape of CORI' Bank Draft I Cashier's Cheque of any Schedule Bank and attested copies of registered partnership deed and power of attorney in case of firms will not be entertained. II) The procuring agency may reject all bids or proposalS atany time prior to the acceptance ofa bid or proposal. 12) Any redressal of grievance by the procuring agency the committee has been constituted vide Superintending Engineer Buildings Circle No. 02 Rawalpindi office order No. 56/G. dated. 09.08.2023 under Chapter-X. Sr NO, 67 of PPRA Name Ot Work} Establishment of Mines Testing Sample Laboratory One at Kallar Kahar Distri Chakwal, paw Eames! R$S4.294 Tender 10000'. pate recei0t CEBNZ/1348/P dt.12.06.2024 pppucation Tinw gpeninq pf to purchase tender' tenger, 2.00 3.00 20.07.2024 18 18.07.2024 Name Designation Department House / Street P.o. BOX With Postal Code Cantonment Atea City With Oistnct & Phone / Fax No. Emad Amir Mahmood Shah Executive Engineer Buildings Division Chakwal Execuuve Engineer Buldings DjviSjon Chakwal Otstrkt Complex Chakwal 054300020 xenbuildingschakwat@omalcom Months House i Street / P O Box wyth Postal Coae Cattonrr,ent Area Cdy With tehsa Phone Fax No Emaa 11:00 AM 11:30 AM tmran Aji Bu.<.ngs t Roat Cana Executive Engineer Buildings Division Chakwal IPL-6294 Superintending Engineer Buildings Circle No.2 Rawalpindi from Nawaiwaqt dated 30 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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