The Tvet Sector Support Programme Islamabad Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** giz Deutsche Gesellschaft tür Internationale GIZ-Otüce Islamabad Pakistan Call for Expression of Interest for catering and food services The TVEI Sector Support Programme in Pakistan is co fundec by the European Union am the Federal Republic 01 Germany. The Deutsche Gesellschaft tor Internationale Zusammenarteit (GIO GmbH implements toe Programme together with Countit c;losecooperalion with the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission andother public and private sectororganizatnns in Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa am Punjab. The programme' obiective is to support the development of Pakistan' WET sector. focusing on tranng tor men and women prodessjons with a high demand, especially digital and green SkjllS. GIZ Pakistan invites suitably qualified firms and instnutions to their EOI for the provision of Carering and Food services (meak,'lunch. morning & evening tea, Hi Tea, Dinnernttarwiül catering services} on tt•e events (workshops. tranngs. meetings. seminar. wnlerence. etc.) at the project Iotations 'or its Support 'or the TVET Sector in Pakistan Only "derested firms and mstitutjons mat have the requ expertise in facilitating partnerships demonstratable experience may entity submitting proposals navetnetcdlowinq minimum 1, ThefirmnwsthavelegalstatusinPakistan1rånlaS103years 2. The firm rust have business providing 'ood catering services tat ;jåattonal/provincialfood authority events in Pakistan frcmlast03years 3, Thefirmnw:sthavevalidregisration 4, The firm should be registered and have an acbve NTN and *alps Tax number and fulfil all applicable lawsotPaÅistaniiprovinces. 5. ThefirmmustnaveatleasMitteef(15) permanentemgtoyees. 6, ThefirmmusthaveAnnu?lturnovetof20fiMllion. Interested firms compilatiorVevidence of the above-stated requirements the a company prolile with a table ot contents. Each of abovestated 6 requirements should be addressed in separate sections within the profile and should contain documentation proving the required qualificatjcns and expenence. Interested firms are encouragewtpjdClude ONLYxelevantjntormationjnuwsub1T1itteOEO!- Please note that all correspondence, proposalsand dealing with the GIZmustb:e inEnglish, A response to the EOI does not recessarily imply that your firm ocinstitution will receivethe GIZ'sRFPtor1hesubjectassignment. Interested firms or institutions should clearly mention the "Expression Interest IEOI) for catering and food services for GIZ TVET Sector Support Programme in Pakistan; Ret No.834655uontheenwope. Ptease submit the EOI documents in a sealed envelope latest by IT July 2024 at GIZ Level 02; Serena Business Complex, Khayabanæ•Suhrawardy, Sector G-5/1, Islamabad, Pakistan, c ews paper un, from Jang dated 30 June, 2024
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