Sharda Hydropower Station Muzaffarabad Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION FOR BID 3.0MW SHARDA HYDROPOWER STATION REPAIR CONCRETE BARRAGE CATES. DIVERSION WEIR, WATER CHANNEL & behw for tuods oe agranged trc«n normal Budget Anatons at POO. Tender Name Work Neoair Cmcrete Gates, Waler Ctmr.el & CleaniMJ ot Sharda Hydel power Stalbn Oistrt:t Neeljrn Estimated Bid Cost Security 3809.486 Firm Category/ Completion Specia"zalion Code 06 and Above Period 30 are ur.der Si ewer±nced by Pabislan Engi category pe- woc:edure trom eliqble CPEC) iti the above 2. 3. 4, 5, 6. 7. 9. A complete set Biddir•g Cocunmts may bib sed payment presclibed free gwn•returdaove ie Rs. 20T•J in toirp bank draft in lang ot ManagilKJ Director AJK,POO a,lOrpa wih of a applicat:kln to AJK POD nujst be accompned b'/ Bid amount Rs. 190000, in torm of Bank Guararaeeiflla•vorof Managing iAJK Power Oeveöpmert Organizationl,onattarnad tram anv screaue bank SCIed Bid Shan bg su'briiiittEd•å'tlé Office •til on 10-07-2024 at 12.000M Shan be opened on same day presetw•e to attend. Oliginal ot favour ot $1arnp paper ot Rs, attested n 10 ad, Original PECL mustbe pgeserned at lhetimeai purchaseotbiddiog d')cuwnelts. • 8åCk1iSled.å Biddets are partiCipali)n• au bidders snan iurmsh an attiovd cn Stamp Papa ot Rs. 50/• ensuing toat are rar blacMS1eø war. Government anv•ønere in tenuary of 1M sure ot AJK. ELEitÉ'S or ut$ucceSSftJl bidders SIVäLI bg returned upon award OT cornract to the successful OJ the expi1Y Of validty iS earb•er• Emphyer reserves riohi to reject vovi50ns PPHA 33 Deputy (O&M) AJK power Dey Orgarü:atign POO Compu upper O Newspaper ( 30 Jun, 2024) from Jang dated 30 June, 2024
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