Ravi Urban Development Authority Lahore Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION TO BID Ravi Urban Development Authority (RUDA), hereinafter referred to as the 'Procuring Agency,' intends to invite sealed bids for "hiring services to implement IoT solutions for electricity conservation in RUDA offices". Interested companies that provide the aforementioned services and are registered with the relevant authorities, including the income tax and sales tax department, are invited to participate. The tender document can be obtained from the Procurement Wing of Ravi Urban Development Authority (RUDAL located at 151 Abu Bakar Block, Garden Town, Lahore. To obtain the document, interested parties must submit a non-refundable pay order of PKR 5,000/- issued by any scheduled bank in Pakistan. The pay order should have a validity of 90 days and be made in favour of Ravi Urban Development Authority. This process is available on any working day (Monday to Friday) during office hours. Additionally, a copy of the tender notice and bidding document is accessible on RUDA's website at However, submission will only be accepted if the pay order amounting to PKR 5000/- is attached with the bidding document. The bidding procedure shall follow the Single Stage Two Envelopes Process, as specified under Regulation 41(2)(b) of the RUDA Procurement Regulations 2022 (amended). These regulations can be downloaded from the RUDA website at They serve as the operative law and are open to all eligible bidders, as defined in the bidding document. A pre-bid meeting is scheduled to be held in the Boardroom of RUDA on July 08, 2024, at 11 :OO a.m. This meeting will include a survey of all the offices of RUDA. Sealed bids must be submitted to the mentioned office address by 11:00 a.m. on July 15, 2024. Along with the technical proposal, bids must be accompanied by a Bid SecUrity in favour of Ravi Urban Develpp ent Authority, amounting to PKR 200,000/- the form of a pay order or CDR iS9uécPby any scheduled bank in Pakistan. Technical proposals submitted without bid epurity will not be entertained and will be declared non-responsive. Late proposals ill not be entertained Bids will be opened in presenee of bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to be present at 1 : O AM on the same day in the Office of Ravi Urban Development Authority. Incomplete and overw itten bids will be rejected. Multiple submissions from a firm shall not be entertained. RUDA will not be responsible for any cost or expense incurred by bidders in connection with the preparation or delivery of bids. In case of an o Cial holiday or any local holiday falling on the last submission date, the next working day will automatically be the last date of submission and opening of the bid. The bidders are required to quote their best competitive final prices, inclusive of all applicable taxes. DEPUTY DIRECTOR PROCUREMENT RAVI URBAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 151, ABU BAKAR BLOCK, NEW GARDEN TOWN, LAHORE TEL: +92-42-99333531-6 EMAIL: [email protected] I PI--6231 O Newspaper ( 30 Jun, 2024) , from Dawn dated 30 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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