Pakistan State Oil Karachi Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION TO BID Sealed are invited II-trough SAP Ariba from eligible contractors with aclequate past relevant experience and financial cyupabilities for the Below cap!ioned tender(s • 2 3 6 r•rscrum-torq Supply Of Metering for Railway Loadin at Various Pakistan Ratlwa Sites Services required for printing Of pails at LMT/ LMP-A -C+rvices C.onstruction Manager-neat at M/ s D- 12 M/s M /• Police Welfare Production & Supply of Point of Sale Materials for Hi-Street Clusters & pso Retail Miscellaneous Signage works NVROs H YD Division Services Requared for Inslallauon 01 Tank Lorry Residual Retrieval Instruction at NVROs -e souuv Zone. CFLI 8050-C.V I-M-A45.32-SJ L C-1 S032-1A RF-1S053-SZ Single Stace Two Envelope TENDERS AVAIL..AEJLJ*JY (enderg will be available throuoh SAP Ariba Portal only TFNDF.R FEE; — Pak Ru pees 2,000/— (Non—RerunaabIe) in favour Of Pakistan State Oil Con-tpany Limi tea. (For Each Tender) FOR S. NO. TO 6 DOCUMEN*IS COLLECTION (THROUGH SAI' BID SUBMISSION Cl HROUGH SAP ARIBA) BID OPENINC (THROUGH SAP ARIBA) DATE to 15.072024 18.07.2024 18.07.2024 TIME •rill 02:1 5 PM I'M Onwards For Tender cr-18050; Valid PCC or category or above is required for issuance or documents. PF. TAJ. INSTR Amy party interested to participate in any ur Ihr lender(s) rnay send its request for lender Ihrou%li SAP Ariba Portal in manner: 2. Scanned copy of the duly signed and stamped request on official letterhead of Ihe bidder shall be uploaded on SAP Ariba Portal. In the subject request letter. please mention "Tender Documents Collection Request — Tender No. Request shall be accompanied hy scanned copiee the following: a. Valid NTN- GST/PST certificates, CNIC of owner/ authorized representative. Vendor should an active tax paver. Evidence 01 deposit or Rs. (mentionit•tt', the lender 9) as Tender Fee in the tollowing bank Title of Account PAKISTAN STATF on. COMPANY r TMTTFX) TRAN: PK30 HABB 0007 8640 3245 3217 Account No. 0786-40-3245-3217 eode 0786 HBL Plaza Branch Chundrigar Roads Karachi. CORRIGENDUM Subject: Supply and Installation of 16 Nos. Transnmitters at KTC & Faisalabad. gender it OP-18021-KZ), (Email: Ext: 2252). Reference to our press advertisement published on 1206.2024 for the subject tender. Please note that the Bid C) oeuments Collection. Submission and Opening dates have been revised as per table below: PARTICULARS BID .I.FCTIC.)N (THROUGH SAP ARIBA) BID SUBMISSION (TÜROUGII SAP ARIBA) BID OPENING (THROUGH SAPARrBA) D.acrr,: Extended till 08.07.2024 t)9.072iJ24 09.07.2024 AM Lo 04:30 PM 'EM Onwards INVITATION TO FOR SUPPLY OF POL PRODUCÉS Pakistan State Oil Cornpany Limited ("V'SCY") is the largest 011 markettrtfl eornpany of Pakistan. enswc,ed imporl$ storage, distribution marketing or petroleum and lubriGinl products. Detailed information aboul the Company can found on Ihe corporate. website Sealed e-bidg are invited through SAP from reputed and renowned international suppliers having adequate experience and expertise to perform the below mentioned tender: OESCRUYVION Supply of Mogas 92 RON's three (0.3) cargoes (55„COI) MT each) under a Term Contract for the period August 2024 — November 2024 ULARS BID DOCUMENTS COLLECTION (THROUGH SAP ARIBA) SUBMISSION (Tl IROUCI 1 SAP ARIBA) BID OPEN ING CIHROUCGH SA P ARI BA) r»octJMENers AV AILABIT„rry Bid Docurnents will be available through g A P Ariba Portal only the anentioned link DATE 23.06.2024 to 08.072024 09.072024 (19.07.2024 TIME 08:30 AM Till -IO•oo AM 10:30 AM Onwards Sin le Sta e Tyvo Envelo e hiddinw rocedure shall be followed. TENDER .rcm-rs Delivery windows of cargoes are as follows. August 2024 Cargo 2: 251t! 30ii' SepLernber 2024 November 21124 Bid Validity: Up July 12.2024 090() PM PST Value of Bid Bond: VSO 600,000 (United States Dollars Six Hundred Thousand) Validity of Bid Minimum August 1, 2024 CU ENT CO Ecri Any party interested to participate ih the tender its request for hid documents through SAP Ariba Portal in the following manner: I. 2. 8-anned copy Of the duly signed and slam on SAP Ariba Portal. In I lie subjec reque I Ihe Tender Of Mogas 92 RON Term Co tr oest on official letterhead the bidder shall uploaded ery please mention "Bigl Documents Cstllect;orj Request for Evidence of deposit of US $20 (mert n the tender details) as Tender Fee in the following hank account: "Lender I'rice: US $20 to besu itted as per following details: Beneficiary Name; Paki$4».State Oil Co. Ltd Beneficiary Bank: Citiban N.A. ASAT Road Karachi, Pakistan Beneficiary Bank A Beneficiary Account N . 0300002013 Beneficiary: IBA* ?K26cr11100000U300002013 Deneficiary S kÉr1PKKX Internalional bidders can so apply LhfOLJ[lh Ilieir local Authorized Attent and they may send the request for bid documents Chrectgh SAI' Ar in the following 3. 4. Scanned He upload the duly signed and stamped request on official letterhead of the Authorized Agent shall n SAP Ariba Portal. In the subject request letter, please mention "Bid Documents Collection Request o the Tender of Mogas 92 RON Term Contract" Request . mll accompanied by scanned ropies of the Authority letter issued by the international principal in favour of the local Authorized Agent, Agent should an active tax payer. b. Evidence of deposit 01 PKR 2,000/- (rnenuonirut Lhe lender details) as Tender Fee 'in the following bank account: Title oc Account PAKISTAN STATE. on. COMPANY T LEAN: HABB 0007 8640 3245 3217 Account No- 0786-40-3245-3217 Branch code 0786 HBL Plaza LL Chundrigar Road, Karachi. For any queries/clarifieation please eonLael on the details below. Procu and 9+rvices Floor, House, Karachi UAN: +9221 111 111 PSO (776). Exe 2281 & 2237 Emailst I Itis advertisement is also available on I-MSO website,ork.eotn; procurement and P PRA website Please note Ihar inteeested bidders not having SAP Ariba are requested to register themselves SAP Ariba Portal loy clicking on Lhe link in order 10 access pa rlieipnte in PSCYs Bidders are nrsed te visit PSO & PPRA websites regularly for any further cJm.tges Ihal may be updaied by 'he tinte to COMPANY FLOOR. rso "OUSE, CLIFTON, 2240, 2233, 2255, &2237 O Newspaper ( 30 Jun, 2024) , from Dawn dated 30 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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