Karachi Development Authority Karachi Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** KARACHI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT NOTICE INVITING TENDERS (SINGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE SYSTEM AS PER SPPRA GUIDELINES) .1 Accordlng to SPPRA Rules 2010 (Amended time to time), the tendets In sealed covers (Single Stage) are Invlted through newspapers, KDA website and SPPRA (PPMS) for the following works from eligible interested contractors / firms / parties etc. having relevant experience. Sr. No. Name of Scheme ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR OPERATION & MAINTENANCE OF SHAHEED BENAZIR BHUTTO PARK BOAT BASIN CLIFTON KARACHI Estimated Cost (Rupees) 32506, i 00/- Tender Fee Bid Money (Rupees) ot Bid 5000/- Amount i. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: SCHEDULE Receiving of Application &lssuance ot Tender Dropping of Tender Opening of Tender DATE & TIME From 01st July, 2024 to 19th July, 2024 During offlce Hours. 22nd July, 2024 Till 11 AM- 22nd July, 2024 At 11 AM VENUE Room No. 509, Office of the Accounts Ottlcer, Engineering Department, KDA, Sth Floor, Civic Center, Gulshan-e-lqbal, Karachi. noom No. 509, Office ot the Accounts Officer, Engineering Department, KDA, 5th flqor, Civic Center, Gulshan-e-l bal. Karachi. Room No. 509 0 ice of the Accounts Engineering Departmen A, 5th Floor, Civic Center, G h n-e-lqbal, Karachi. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. The procuring agency may reject all or any bid / tender at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal subject to the relevant provision ot SPPRA Rules 2010 (amended time to time). Tenders will not be received after the scheduled time. All corrections / overwrltlngs shall be clearly rewritten witn Initial and duly stamped by the bidder. All clauses of Eligibility Criteria or Mandatory Criteria mentioned in tender / blddlng documents have same priority and non-tultlllment ot any of clause shall lead to bid rejection / disqualification. Eligibility criteria:- 2 3. TERMS & CONDITIONS: 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. In case of any reason, jt the tenders not responded on the above date, the next date oj opening of bidS',vi be 07-08-2024 at 11:30 a.m and submitted on the same day ti!ll,[email protected] the tender documents will also be available up to 06-08-2024 during Office Hours. The bid security equal 'to 59010 Bid Amount in shape of pay order from any scheduled bank jogavor ot Karachl Development Authorlty must be enclosed with te er documents; otherwise, the tender will be The bidder who the entire Eligibility Criteria or Mandatory requirement shall be declared substantially responsive bids at the time of tender opening and will be eligible for further evaluation; otherwise, the tender wlll be declared as non-responsjve / rejected. The contractors must mention their complete and correct present postal address In tender documents and quote the rates both In words and in figures. Incomplete / conditional tenders will not be accepted. If any fake documents are found then the tender is liable to be rejected / cancelled without any compensation with penalty as per rules. In case, the date of opening is declared as a public holiday by the Government, or non-working day due to any reason the next official working day shall be deemed to be the date tor submission and opening of tenders at the same time. a. b. c. d. e. t. g. Valid NTN Certificate SRB Registration Certificate. Professional Tax Certificate 2024 Average Annual Financial Turn-over not less than equivalent cost ot the scheme / project during last tlve years duly supported by the Bank Statement & Audit Report (last 5 years each) musi be attached. Proof ot experlence and details ot similar nature ot work(s) executed during the last five years indicating the name of project / scheme / works with cost, date of commencement & completion: l. At least one similar nature ot work having minimum cost 80% of the estimated cost of work; OR li. At least tivo similar nature works each having minimum cost 50% of the estimated cost. Valid PEC 2024 in C-6 or above with relevant field of specialization codes (where applicable). Attldavlt / Undertaking regarding the tjrm never been blacklisted OR not involved in any Court Case / Litigation with any Government / Seml Government Department. copy of CNIC All original documents must be shown upon the request of the procurement committee for Verification. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT KARACHI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY No. KDA/ADVT-25/2024 INF-KRY No. 2128/24 O Newspaper ( 30 Jun, 2024) from Dawn dated 30 June, 2024
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