Punjab Irrigation Department Islamabad Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER, SMALL DAMS DIVISION ISLAMABAD i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9, 10. 11. 12. 1 INVITATION TO BIDS Sealed tenders under PPRA Rules 2014, on the basis of MRS / Estimate are Invited from the approved contractors of Irrigation Department who have got thelr names enllsted / renewed In the appropriate Category for the financial year 2023-24 In PEC and Irrlgatlon Department. No tenders will be Issued to the contractors / firms not registered / enlisted for year 2023-24 In PEC & IrrlgaUon Deportment. The contractors / firms who destre to obtain blank tender forms shall have to furnish original documents to the E*ecutive Engineer. Small Dams Dlvlslon. Islamabad regardlng enlistment / renewal of their names with irrigation Department original G.R. for payment of professional tax, enlistment / renewal fee and renewal of license from Pakistan Engineering Council for the calendar year 2023&bull24 etc. and enlisted with Irrigation Department. The tender issuance committee constituted by the Executive Engineer, Small Dams Dlvlslon, Islamabad Wili only issue the tenders after verification of all documents of Interested contractors / firms. The blank tender forms / bidding documents can be purchased Immediately from the date of publication of this invitation upto 2LÆZQ&during office hours from the office of the Executive Engineer, Small Dams Division, Islamabad on payment of non-refundable tender fee mentioned against each work as printing charges. No tender form shall be sold on the date of receipt of tenders. Further. the tenders will be sold only to the proprietors of the firms or their authorized agents. No firm shall be allowed to receive / purchase tender forms it' the name of any other firms. Earnest money Rs.4% of the estimated amount in shape of deposit at call drawn in favour of the Executive Erwineer. Small Dams Division. Islamabad from the scheduled bank must be accompanied with the tenders. failing which tender will not be entertained. The tenders will be received by the tender opening committee on P" epened on the same date at PM in the office of the undersigned. The tenders must be delivered in person or by the authorized agents of intending bidders to the tender opening committee in sealed envelopes. No tender shall be accepted which are received by post or through other means. In pursuance of the Government of the Punjab FD No.RO(TechY FD -2/83(Vl)(P) dated 2401.2006 and No.RO(Tech) FD 1-2/83 dated 06.04.2006 ifthe total tender amount is less than the approved estimate (DNIT) amount* the lowest bidders will have to deposit an addition Performance Security from the scheduled bank equal to quoted below rates from the technical sanc one amount within IS days of issuance of notice / letter of award / acceptance of tender rate of within expiry period of bid whichever is earlier. The Irrigation Department will not be responsible for any cost or expenses incurred by Bidders in connection with the preparation of delivery of bids. All the detail can be seen in the office of the un igned during working day and all rights are reserved. The potential Bidders can lodge their compla ne regarding transparency and fairness of all bidding process on toll free helpline 0800-11333 by email Secretariat, Old Anarkali Lahore. or by direct application to PMIIJ Irrigation In case of any dispute between the contractors and the department, decision of the Project Director Small Dams Circle-I, Islamabad will be final and binding on all parties. The successful contractor will be bound to complete the whole work according td ntire satisfaction of the department after issuance of acceptance letter by this office. In case of any publice holiday announced by the Government. the date of opening of tenders will be the next woking date / d Name of Work REPAIRING & MAINTAINING ROOM NO.I TO ROOM Nos OF RAWAL DAM COLONY REST HOUSE AT RAWAL Cost (Rs.) 20,475.223 Earnest Morry (Rs.) 819m9 361.233 Time 20-0avs Tende Cost 10,mo DAM Rt PAIRING & MAINTAINING ROOM NO.7 & 8 OF RAWAL 2 DAM COLONY REST HOUSE AT RAWAL DAM IPL-5209 CE11RRVPTRt2024/ dated 27G-2024 CETIRRt/PTR/2024/ 2319-2VTPM(l). dated 27G-2024 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER SMALL DAMS DIVISION ISLAMABAD o Newspaper ( Uö Jun, zuz4) , from Naibaat dated 08 June, 2024
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