Lahore Development Authority Lahore Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** LAHORE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, UD WING TENDER NOTICE Sealed tenders are invited on the basis of single stage-one envelope procedure (PPRA-38-1) from contractors having their PEC renewal updated for the Year 2023-24 in categories mentioned below against each work and certificate of enlistment with PRA:- Sr. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. Name of Work REPAIR 1 MAINTENANCE OF STREET en, CHINA SCHEME, LAHORE REPAIR 1 MAINTENANCE OF STREET INFRONT OF HOUSE NO.750 IN CHINA SCHEME, LAHORE PATCH YORK ROAD IN BLOCK AZ CHINA SCHEME. LAHORE REPAIR f MAINTENANCE OF ROADS IN TAJPURA BAZAR & RELAYING & LAYING OF TUFF PAVERS IN TAJPU LAHORE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF ROAD AT BLOCK-M GULBERG LAHORE REPLACEMENT OF SEWER LINE INFRONT OF HOUSE NO.750 IN BII CHINA SCHEME, LAHORE Estlmated Cost Time Eamest Money Limit (Rs. In Million) 4.982 0.249 4.873 0.244 4.800 0240 4.608 0.230 4.543 0.22 .22 15 Days 15 Days 15 Days Days 15 Days Receiving Date & Tlme 25-06-2024 09:30 am 25-06-2024 09:30 am 25-06-2024 09:30 am 5-06-2024 09:30 am 25-06-2024 09:30 am 25-06-2024 09:30 am Opening Date & Time 25-06-2024 10:00 am 25-06-2024 10:00 am 25-06-2024 10:00 am 25-06-2024 10:00 am 25-06-2024 10:00 am 25-06-2024 10:00 am PEC Category Above Above c-6& Above Above Above Above No tender will be issued on opening date and will not be entertained without eamest money@ 5% of estimated cost of the work in the shape of Bank Guarantee only (Schedule Bank Of Pakistan). Bid security in the shape of Bank Guarantee shall be valid for bid validity period plus 28 days. Bid security Of unsuccessful bidder shall be released immediately after the completion of the bidding process whigh•cålminateSähd ends up on the execution of the contract with the successful / lowest evaluated bidder. Information regarding the site, Tender Documents & other terms and conditions Can be obtained from ofice ofthe undersigned. The Bank Guarantee should be in favour of "Gbore Development Authority (U.D Wing)". Tender documents will be immediately available after publication ofthis Notice on LDA website. Tenders can be purchased from LDA website as E-Tendering and tender selling booth upto date 24-06-2024 on payment of the prescribed fee Rs.5000/- (non-refundable). If there is a public holiday announced by the Government on the tender opening date, then the tenders will be opened on the next working day. The above advertisement is also available on PPRA website http:/ IPL-5454 o Newspaper ( Uö Jun, zuz4) (ASRAR SAEED KHAN) Chief Engineer-I, LDA, Lahore , from Naibaat dated 08 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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