National Institute Of Population Studies Islamabad Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE FOR HIRING OF VEHICLES J National Institute a' Poptßabon Studies {NIPSJ, Wo National Health Services, Regwaticns & Coordination. Islamabad under pcoiect titled "Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2024- invites sealed bids Wring of vehides from the remjtable firms/comganies of Islamabadwho are duty registered Sates Tax Department. for hiring cdfotowing requiredfor5persors (3 males 20' August. 2024 SOdays tentativey, Thedetailsareas urder•,- 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 3, 4, 2 O Province/ Area Punjab & Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sindh 8üchistan NOS. Of Rates Vehitles required required 03 05 02 Monthly & per day Model 20108 abm•e Vehicle Remarks Specification to i OCOCC VettiiC*S are requted to 180Dcc without 1121 and Ouerty Control Personne 04 1 g 1 Ferna•le The eamest money. in shape of Pay Orderi Bank 20000ct03000cc drivers 1«24/'7 of quoted price. along wifr attested cope of Incorre Tan. Registration Cenificateand GST Registration Ceete the came ofDDO, NIPS Islamabad mustteerdosed witrBid. Incomplete bidswill notoe entertained, Sealed Bids must be reached to the unders»gnothin 15 days Ot the publication Of Bdtærtjsernent not later than 01 pm on dosing date i.e, be opened on the same day at 01 pm in NIPS' Conference Room ltncase cd Public Hotdayon 21 tne tencerwill toopened on June 2024} in the presence or tho bidders or sub authCtnzeti like to partit*yate. Bids Ct:eriling be based on "Single Stage Two Envelops Bidding Procedure"' Interested biddes are reqceested to submit a s'lgle package untainirg separate titled as "Techhi!Cåi Proposal and Financial Proposal'. Tecttmean Proposal have all detais of Offers Biitfnut rates utlile Financial proposal shall cc€ltain rates only. *litally the emetop marked as technical proposal be openeö ard Technical Evaluationßite Inscectico wi0 be mt T,ereafter• lowested NIPSAdrnirtistratÜtctNIPSwebsite i.e. httpt.www.nips„ After technical F ihanCiÄI Proposal will be opened put;iiülly well before tinw phone to technicaty quaEfied firms/companies, The rnancial proposal dhirirqof vehicles fa.jnd tmruuty ronqualifed will be returned uroper«j to the respective bidders. The lßtitute hoe a to atV'ul at any stage. NO tendetwdil teente«tairted after expiry of aforesaid date & Ürj•e- The bidi*rs'firms are requested to quote Teir best and final prices as negotiations on lhe øcices are allowed. This institute wu not be responsible for costal delay ot any other reason. This Institute reserves r$it to reject any tender in part cc fun after assorting a reasco as per PPRA Rules. Hoa•e•«, NIPS be required to rejection. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF POPULATION STUDIES Mlo National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination NIH. Park Road. Chak Shahzad. Islamabad. Phone "/0„061-9255937 Newspaper ( 08 Jun, 2024) from Dunya dated 08 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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