Frontier Crops Peshawar Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. c TENDER NOTICE HEADQUARTERS FRONTIER CORPS KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA (NORTH) Sealed bids on the basis of "Items Rate System" are hereby invited from the contractors / firms already registered with this office for project "Construction of 3 x 128 single men barracks for Special Operations Companies at Bajaur, Mohmand and Khyber Merged Districts fora total estimated cost of Ilion Tender farm & complete set of bidding documents can be collected from the date of appearance of the advernsement in the press from the office of undersigned on production of ca II deposit (original} till 25 June 2024. The bidding shall be out on the basis of "item rate system", wherein the bidders are required to Quote in % on project cost in the BOQ, in case of non schedule item no % will be allowed, The bids shall be accompanied with the earnest money/Bid security@ 2% of bid cost in favour of the IG FC KP (North} in shape ofcall deposit from any scheduled ban k of Pakistan. As per provincial Govt. notification no. SO (FRVFD/9-7/*Oi1/VOl-1-11 Dated 05-11-2014 in case of quoting bid upto 10% below on the engineer&bullstihtatee the bidder will furnish an additional security with the bid, in shape of call de s ank guarantee- FUrther, in lieu of bank guarantee/Call deposit, an equivalent insurafce. ge of a company having at least AA rating from PACRAMR shall also be acceptabl&euro&bull from contractors/bidders, subject to verification by the scheduled bank. wheråsrtiä'hk guarantees will be obtained from the contractors/bidders quoting more than below on engineer estimate. These guarantees will be discharged on expiry of the periad of the contract- The bids must reach tothe officeoftb dersigned up to 25 June 2024 on 1100 hrsthrough registered courier services. Wh e bids will be opened on the same day at 1200hrs in the presence of bidders / the IGFC KP (North). WorksBr be entertained, sentatives, who may like to attend, in the office of the rontier Corps XP Peshawar. The late bids received will not Bids will be valid for d s from the date of acceptance of tender by the competent authority. Anyitem not refiecke the bill of quantities IBOQ} and required atthe site, shall be paid in accorda nte witt!MRS rates, subject to prior approval. fiiuring/over-writing/by&bullhand/delayed bids will be considered non- Incomplete responsi In case of equal bids 1st, 2nd and 3rd etc, the lowest bidder would be decided through toss/ draw by the undersigned. 11, The procuring entity may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposals- The procurement entity shall upon request communicate to any contractor who submitted a bid or proposal, the ground for rejection of all bids or proposals as per PPRA, 12. The bidders are liberty to seek any clarification or further information from the offce of undersigned, if desire on any working day during office hours, LIEUTENANT COLONEL (GSO-I) WORKS ewspaper un, from Aaj dated 08 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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