The Institute Of Chlid Health Multan Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT THE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL & THE INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH. MULTAN No. Phone 0010201431-35 Fax 001.9201034 ICH&ICH 04-0 -2024 TENDER NOTICE F.Yi2024-25 INVITATION FOR BIDS Modlcal Sl.,aportntandonl Of Tho Chldron'g Hotpllol Instilu10 Of Child HoalÜ1 MLitan Invitos the reglstorcd frms Ihe procummønt of under menllontd Itomg on FOR baelb Ihø FY 02024•25. Intotastad ollqlblo blddor may got tho blddlno documonlG & gpoencauon regarding tond0rs from tho Putchag,o Sadian of thls hospltol anar submlltlng applicauon on pad Wth tho paymont amount R'.2000/• each tondor solllng bo øtartod from tho dito Of gdvortlnmont Finns submlt Lholr In tho AWIt0.rtum (New Block) this h:osßta as schodulo gtvon bolow. Tondor Oponlng procoduro wu be conducted In tho ptgscnco Of blddots ond Torøor Opening Committeo accordlnq to giV0,n tlrnlnq. TENDER SUBMITTING TENDER TIME: 10:00 AM & DATE GIVEN BELOW: 24-06-2024 24.06-2024 24+2024 TENDER OPENING Estlmatod 1. 2. NAME OF TENDER Annual Rate Contrad for Sec:1Ji1ty 1 •nmo Re.Tender Bulk Purchaso of Surgical & Dlsposa Itams Remaln Items 2M nmo Ro•tondat Annual Maintenance Contrect of Pallenl Tlrno Ro•tendor TIME: 10:30 AM & DATE GIVEN BELOW 24-Ø.2024 24+2024 24-06-2024 cost 20M 35M 02M Note: Tender sale will start from thødate 1. 2, 3. 4, 5. 6, 7. 8. 9, Procurement shall be governed by PurtBb Ptocurørnont Rules 2014 (Amandgd up to dato). Firms are advised to bind their along empor marking tho gubm18810n of tendor. The anvelopas should be and 'ANANClAL...EßQ2QSAM in bold ard legible layers to avoid confuslon, Sin91e stage two envelopes blddinq procedure be appued. Shall be envelopes be retained In the custody of agon. without opered. Technical evaluatlon procedure be adopted according to PPRA RLde 37. Tie blddcr Should submlt original bld secudty along In the shape of CORJBank Guarantee gamo Q! Motflcal TM Chlldren•s HOSNI A The Institute of Chid Health Multan. The bidder shall fumlsh 2% CON3anX Guarantee (refundeb10) of estirneted cost ccmpulsodly along with Flnaneal Proposal and photocopy with Technlcal Proposal to connm the CDR attachment, Fl!tqpclal Otfgt all Condtponal The may reject an bids ot proposals at any time prior to the acceptance or bid or proposal. The undersigned shall upon request commurdcate to any bldder the grounds for its reigdlcn of bld proposals but shan not be required to justify those grounds. All terns & conditions given in the tender documents I bidding documents be applicable. Medical Superintendent The Children's Hospital & The Institute of Child Health, Multan Newspaper ( Jun, zuz4) IPL-5359 from Express dated 07 June, 2024
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