Services & General Administration Department Lahore Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB SERVICES AND GENERAL ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT (WELFARE WING) TENDER NOTICE FOR COMPUTER STATIONARY ITEMS Services & General Administration Department C"elfare Wing). Govemment of the Punjab, Lahore. invites sealed bids from registered/incorporated firms. suppliers. who are registered with Sales Tax and Income Tax Department and maintain their own independent offices. to participates in the bidding process as per PPRA Rules. 2014 (amended upto date) for procurement of Computer Stationary items during the cu financial year 2024-25: & CONP'T'ONS'ELIG1pg-1TY CRITERIA The intending bidders participating in the bidding shäll provide the following documents alongwith their Technical Bids: V. vii. Viii, Original receipt for purchase of tender. Bid Security i.e. 5% of total estimated cost in the form of Bank DrafUPay Order/CDR in favour of Section Officer (Welfare-I), S&GAD, Punjab Civil Secretariat, Lahore, must be attached with the bid, failing which the bid shall be considered as non-responsive and shall be rejected Minimum three (03) years business history. An affidavit on stamp paper submitting that neither the Company/firm has been blacklisted on any grounds whatsoever or is being proceeded against or is involved in litigation, This certificate shall remain operative till the finalization of the procurement. Bank Certificate / Statement / glance Sheet, Financial Soundness. Audit Report Last 03 years General Sales Tax Number, Proof of NTN and In Payee Professional Tax number, Acceptance of term and&bdquoeonditions. tender documents duly signed and stamped. Company profi Establishment of Company, Staff experience. appreciation ervice). INSTRUCTION FOR BIOPERS iii iii. V. vir This procurement will be governed by the Punjab Procurement Rules, 2014 (amended time to time) upto date. Bid Document containing details of above requirements can be obtained immediately after the publication from the office of Section Officer (Welfare-I), S&GAD, Punjab Civil Secretariat. Lahore during office hours on payment of Rs. 500/ (non-refundable). The&bull procurement procedure shall be single stage two envelope i.e. Technical and Financial bids. Procuring Agency may reject all the bids any time prior to acceptance of &bullny bid as laid down in Section 35 of the Punjab Procurement Rules. 014 (amended time to time) upto date. The interested bidders shall submit their Technical Bid alongwith Financial Bid. inclusive of all applicable government taxes/duties. in a sealed envelope, containing name of the Firm and mark both Bids, to the Deputy Secretary (Welfare). S&GAD Punjab Civil Secretariat. Lahore on or before 240' June, 2024 by 11.30 A.M The Technical bid will be opened first at 12:30 P.M. and technically qualified firms' financial bid will be opened on same day in presence of the authorized representatives of the firms. If the day of submission / opening of bldg Is declared as holiday the bids will be opened on the next working day, SECTION OFFICER (WELFARE-I), S&GAD, PUNJAB CIVIL SECRETARIAT, LAHORE 042.99212464 Newspaper ( Jun, zu IPL-5408 from Express dated 07 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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