Office Of The Deputy Commissioner Khushab Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER KHUSHAB INVITATION OF PROPOSAL FOR PREQUALIFICATION OF FIRMS VENDORS District A&nwstration has interested to invites applications from *Ound parties rms j vendors I cortracto&bulls and stores wth reputablø relevant I services as PPRR 2014 from tax fimg for the arrangements, ypp5BS seMces during d&ent Ceremonies. Wal and other Nationa Celebrations includhg Ramzan and Elections periodfmOl.072024t03QO&2025in Khushab. PteQnlification avalab& after date of publication of thS advertsement, The "derested parties any view the PQO by purchasirg on cash payment Rs2.000J&bull from Office, Ktwshab on any vatting day durng office hours. Appleton in and stamp deivered envelop registered mail to the given addressed not ater 10000 hours on 01.072024 and declared madcd &bullProcurement & A"icateons WI be opened on same day befoce the nmmttee at i 100 hour tte presence Of aplicants their representatives in Ihe undersiWEd. In case of offcial hciday or any e.enwtt. day it yd be opened Fumet detai if required in tis revd may be obtained frcm accounts brandl ofl office Khushab. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER KHUSHAB 0454-920202 o Newspaper ( u/ Jun, zuz4) IPL-5334 from Express dated 07 June, 2024
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