Municipal Committee Sambrial Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE Seal tenders based on Item rate/percentage above or below on approved estimated MRS I't Biannual 2024 amount are hereby Invited for the works mentioned below from the contract6rs/Flrms, enlisted/renewed With Municipal Committee Sambrial and any Local Governments of Gujranwala dlVis&bullon for the financial year 2023-24 In relevant category on the following terms & conditions and the schedule prescribed below I Tender documents can be obtained from the date of publication of invitation of tender on news paper & PPRA website from the office of Municipal Officer (Infrastructure) MC Sambnal Tender form Will be issued to contractors/firms till ? 1-06-2024 during the office hours through written request accompanied with attested copes of enlistmenVrenewal letter. receipt of enlistment/renewal fee. copy of CNIC. on payment of prescribe tender fee (Which Will be non refundable), No tender form will be issued on tender receiving/opening date. 2 5% Earnest money/CDR of estimated amount must be attached with tender. 3 The tendered rates & amounts should be filled in figures as well in the words and tenders should be signed as per general directions given in the tender documents. No rebate on tendered rates wall be acceptable 4 The tendel' will be received on 22-06-2024 at 12:30 PM in the Office of Municipal Committee Sambnal and opened same day at 01:00 PM in presence of tender opening committee and contractors or their representative. 5 Tenders with conditional terms I overwritten / blank tender / without or less amount CDR will not be entertained. 6, Proceeding of tender will be held on next working day if subject to public holiday. 7. In case the rate of lowest tender is 5% below or beyond 5% of estimated costi the lowest bidder shall have to deposit quality assurance security from scheduled bank equal to amount of difference between approved estimate and the quoted bid as per amended standard contract from vide Finance Department Letter NoRO (TECH)FD1-2/2017 Dated:16Ui November2022 endorsed by LG&CD Department Letter 3712022-23 ADP) Dated:07th December 2022 in favor of Municipal Committee Sambrial&bdquo Percenta e Quoted Below 1% 2% 3% so On 100% Performance Guarantee to be Submitted 1% 2% 3% so on 100% 8 Any information / detail of work regarding tenders mentioned below can be obtained from the office of Municipal Officer (Infrastructure) during the office hours on any working day, 9, The procuring agency may reject II bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of bid or proposal, request communicate to any bidder, the grounds for its 10. The procuring agency shall sals but shall not bere uired to ustif those rounds. re&bullection of all bids or Estimated Earnest Sr. No 02 03 04 05 06 ame Of Work. Construction otStreet Masjid Kumharan/Gulzar-E- Madina Gharbi Moha ah Kumharan Sambrial. Construction of-pcc Slab near Allah Reham ShailertOId Nagar Sambrial. Construction of Drain & PCC at Buhran Street Mohallah t Na ar Sambrial. Construction of Drain & PCC Street Jamia Masjid Mukhtar Wali Mohallah Rasool Pura Sambrial. Construction of Tuff Tile Street Usmania Masjid wali Mohallah Gulshan Town Sambrial. Construction of Nullah / Drain & Tuff Tile. at Main Anar Kali Bazzar Sambrial. Cost 39,35.000/. 33.21,000/. 2673.0001. 96.90,000/. 82,31 ,000/. Money/CDR (Rs) 1,66.050/- 1,33.650/. 4.84.500/. 75.0001. Chief Officer, Munlcipal Committee Sambrial o Newspaper ( u/ Jun, zuz4) Administrator, IPL-5345 Municipal Committee Sambrial from Express dated 07 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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