Senior Civil Court Mianwali Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE SENIOR CIVIL JUDGE (CIVIL DIVISION). MIANWALI. TENDER NOTICE Sealed Tender (separate for each catogory) are invited from the authorized Firms/Distributors / Dealers 'Suppliers having Registered with Sales and income Tax for the Supply Of following office Stationery, Uniform & Protective Clothing, Computer Stationery, Machinery Equipment's & I.T Equipment's for Civil Courts, Mianwali, A- Office Stationery. Sr. No. 2 sr. No. 1 2 3 Sr. No. 1 2 Sr. No. 2 sr. No. 1 Description/Articles White Paper Ream Register Description /Articles PrinterwithPhotocopy& Scanner LCD forComputers Backup Battery Description IArticles Complete I-Jntform Description IArticles TonerforPrinterhp LæerJetM404dw TonerforPrinterhp LaserJet M404dn Description IArticles Electric Water Cooler Quantity Specifications IDeaIs 150 Legal Size aestQuality 250 35No. &45No.300 PagesBestQuality B- IT Equipment's Quantity Specifications 'Deals 2 Brand New with Warranty Print, copy, scan Upt030ppm, Hi-Speed usa 2.0 (device) Wireless 802.11b/g/n, Dual band2.4 CHz/5CHz150-sheetinputtray Auto-duplex printing Mobile and Wifi Printing 12 LED 24" FHD+, 60Hz, Bezelless, Brand new with wananty 20 Dry Batterywith builtin ups system, 1200VAorhigher C- Uniform & Protective Clothing Quantity 5) Grey pent, Specifications IDeals Navy blue shirt with Judiciary logo, Blue Sun Cap with Judiciary logo Belt. 50 Black Leather. Best Quality D- Computer Statione Quantity Specifications 'Deals 35 76-ABestQuality 15 26-ABestQuality E* Purchase of Machinery Quantity Specifications 'Deals 3 Brand New with Warranty80 Gallon, Best Quality Terms & Conditions: Each packageconsisti two separateenvelopes, containing separately the Technical and Financial preposal as the procedure laid down in Rule 38 of PP RA Rules 2014. A Bank call deposit 'security worth of 5% of the fost of bid value (refundable) should be deposited in 2. favourof the Worthy Senior Civil I Division). Mianwali and no exemption of call deposit is available for any firm/su pplm Bid/tender completed in all respects oul reach in the Office Of undersigned through mail up till 3. 22.06.2024 at09:OOAM.The tender received late will not be accepted/entertained. The bid/tenderwill be opened in the presence of the concerned firms/suppliers representative(if present) in the office of the undersigned at the same dayon 10:00 A.M. 4. The successful firm/candidate&/flldeposit additional 10% performance guarantee and025% stamp duty or the total amount of iOP91Y/work order at the time of receiving the worWsupply order in the name of Worthy Senior Civil Judge (Civil Division) Mianwali through CD-Rs a which will be refunded after one year. No work/Supply ordetWill be issued without receiving the performance The income TayJSab TaxRegistration Certificate ofthe firm should reattached with thetender. 5. 6. All kinds of levies ITaxes will be included in the offered price and other expenditure such as (Freight Charges, deliveryéharges etc,) are also assumed to be included in the offered price 7, Selected firm/sUpplier will be bound to provide items i n the office ofundersigned within 15days after iSSl lance of supply order othenvise the security call deposit will confiscated and tle firm will be blacklisted, 8. if any item provided by the firm does not match with the standard specification and conditions, the firm/supplierwill tE bound to provide it according to the standard specifications and conditions. 9. BiddingrrenderDocumentsfspecimens of the itet'TE can beobtained from office of the undersigned on a paymentofRs. 500/-each againsteveryhead from "A" to "E" (Non-Refundable). The entire procurements shall be governed under prevailing PPRA Rules2014. 11. The Senior Civil Judge (Civil Division), Mianwali (Authority) reservesthe right to enhance or reducethe quantity of items according to his budget 12. The Senior Civil Judge (Civil Division), Mianwali (Authority) reserves the right to reject all Bids under 2014, 13. The tender notice isalso availableonthe PPRAWebSte i.e. (Muhammad Saeed Rana) IPL-5220 Senior Civil Judge (Civil Division), Mianwali O Newspaper ( 05 Jun, 2024) from Express dated 05 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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