Public Health Engineering Division Awaran Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Elecutive Engineer Public Health Engineering Division Awaran invites sealed bids enders from eligible contractors/ firms/ manufactures f authorities licensed by the Pakistan engineering Council in the relevant category C6 and having valid NTN. Sales Tax. BRA. specialization in for the mentioned WSS Civil Works and Boce, Further the Solar System Of Mentioned WSS are invites sealed bids "enders from the reputable Dealer} Distributor having Three Last Year Work Orders which Hcdd (Thirty Millions): Goods Declaration Slip, Shipment Documents & its verification Letter, having valid NTN. Sales Tax, BRAand PEC licence tilt June 2024 with Specializaticn code CE04, ME06, EE04, EE05 and EEII far the whole or single item work wiliCh wil be completed in stipulated time. if any bidder not the requirements are not eligible, the committee have aumority to reject the Bidder. details are given below: The Tender lee will be deposit through Green Challan in National Bank of Pakistan Branch under the head 01 Account NO CO-2726 Earnest Money 2% in shape Of deposit at Call, Bidding Document fee Rs-5000/• and Time Limit forCompletion Jun-26 for each work NAME OF WORK I iii iv 2 iii 3 iii 4 iii 5 iii 7 iii 8 iii 9 iii to iii iv iv 12 iii 13 iii 14 iii 15 iii 17 18 iii c Filter Plant For Army Camp Gishkore cunder psop 8274) sa of Fdter Plant klJF. SA of Satar tem Ci'hi Work Filter Plant For Govt Hight Gi shkote Sc hool (Under psoe 8274 of Rant O/D of gore S.O Solar S tem Civil woa Filter Plant DHQ Colony Awaran der psop 8274 of Finer Plant 3000Gh) 0/0 of gore Sota,r S tem work Filter Plant for Circuit House Awaran der psop 8274 sq of Plant O.F- 0/0 of Bore S.q ot Solar stem Filter Plant Govt Girls High School Mashi (Under psop 8274 sn of {I.JF. 0/0 of Bore SA Solar S tem Civil Filter Plant for Govt Boys High School Malar (Under PSOF sq of Finer Rant 3COOG'n) S/' 01 Solars Civil Work Filter Plant for Mir Peer Jan Bazar Malar Undet PSOP 8274 sn of Silo' Solar Civil Filter Plant for Aslam Mirwani Bazar Malar PSOP 8274 sq of {IJF. 3COOGh) Sfl Solar S tem Civil Filter Plant for Liddi Sheep PSOP 8274 sin of Rant {IJF. 3000en)_ of Bare Solar S tem Civil Worx Filter Plant for Govt High Marasham tunder PSDP 8274 3000Gh) TAW Solar S tem Ciwl Work Filter Plant for Main Bazar Bazadad under PSDP 8274b d Solar S Civil Work Filter Plant for Govt Boys High School Teertaij (Under PSDP 8274 sq of Fiter Plant O.iD of Bore Silo/ Solar S Filter Plant for Govt Boys High School Siya Danib fUnder PSOP 8274 of Fdter Plant {I-IF' S0WSFtem Filter Plant for Camp Hospital Jah00 nder PSOP 8274 sa of Plant {UF. Solar S tem Civil work Filter Plant for Fc Camp Jahoo (Under PSOP 8274 sa of Filter tem Civil Work Filter Plant for Shandi Hospital Jahoo (Under PSOP 8274 of Plant of Bore Civil Work Filter Plant for Govt Boys High School Lanjar Jahoo (Under PSOP 8274 sn of Filter Rant {UF- .1 Civil work Filter Plant for Govt High School Dhal Sher Noundara der PSOP 8274 of {IJF. OJD aore Solat S Stem Civil ewspaper TSE. 232405440553 I-NO 2-sets I-Job TSE. 232405440563 I-No 2.Sets 1 •Job TSE. t.No 2.Sets I-Job I-NO I-No 2.Sets I-Job TSE* 232405441143 I-No I-NO 2.Sets I-Job TSE. 232405441183 I-NO 2.Sets I-Job TSE. 232405441243 2.sets I-Job TSE. 232405441273 I-NO I.NO 2.sets I-Job TSE, 232405441393 I.NO t.No 2.Sets I-Job TSE. 232405441443 I-No 2.Sets I-Job TSE. 232405441523 t.No 2.Sets I-Job TSE. 232405441623 I-NO I-NO 2-söis I-Job TSE. 232405441653 I.No 2-Sets I-Job TSE. 232405441673 t.No I-No I-Job TSE. 232405441703 I-NO I-No 2.Sets I-Job TSE. 232405441783 I-NO I-No 2.Sets I-Job TSE. 232405441803 t.N0 2-Sets I-Job TSE. 232405441823 I.No 2-Sets I-job un, Estimated 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2diiooo 5300000 1646500 8140000 5300000 1646500 8t40COO 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2071000 1 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 Earnest 162800 41420 106000 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 162800 4100 106000 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 162800 41420 106000 3293ö 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 162800 41Q0 106000 32930 162800 41420 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 162800 41420 106000 3±930 19 20 21 22 23 24 i 25 26 i 27 28 29 30 31 i 32 i 34 i 35 i 36 i 37 38 i Filter Plant for Govt Girls School Zeelag (Under PSOP 8274 SII (OF. 30COGln DO Bore SII of Solar em Work Filter Plant for Jangalat Camp Goko Jah00 (Under PSDP 8274 Sl Filter 30COGln of Solar em Work Filter Plant for Muhammad Goht Kundi Cross Jahoo Under PSOP 8274 SII Fiter Ptant 3000Gln DIO TJWell Scdu>ystem Work Filter Plant for Govt High Mardanago Noundara Under PSOP 8274 SII Of Filter Plant 30COGln Bore Sl of Solar em Civil Work Filter Plant for Govt Boys High School Kotoo Jahoo (Under psop 30COGln Sl of Solar em civil work Filter Plant for Govt BOYS High School Lal Bazar Jahoo (Under psop 8274 30COGln DO of TIWI Bore SII of Solar tem Civil Work Filter Plant for Govt Inter Collage Jahoo Under psop 8274 ) Sil (IJF. 30COGln D'O of TJWell Bore SII of Solar em Work Filter Plant for Govt Girls High School Gujjar Mashkey Under PSOP 8274 SII PÉnt 30COGl!PJ DO TYWell Bore Sl of Solar em Civil Work Filter Plant for Govt BOYS High School Gujjar Mashkey Under PSOP 3274 SII of Fiter (OF. Bore of Solar em Work Filter Plant Markazi Jama Masjid Ibrahim Gular PSDP 8274 SII Fiter SII of Solar em CNiI Work Filter Plant for Murad Abad Kalat e Cheer Mashkey (Under psop 8274) Sil Fiter 3000Gln DO TIWell Sl of Solar Cail Work Filter Plant for Dad Lal Muhammad Mash key (Under psop 3274 SII 01 Filter pmt 30COGln Bore SII of Solar tem COil Work Filter Plant fOT Gove School Sham Malar (Under p SOP 8274 sil 30COGln Bore 232405441833 I-NO 2.Sets 100b 232405441863 I-NO 2.Sets 140b 232405441913 t.No 2.sets t -Job 232405442483 1 -Job 232405442533 2-Sets I •Job 232405442573 I-NO 2-sets I -Job 232405442603 I-NO 2.Sets I -Job 232405442613 t.No 2.sets 232405442633 2•Sets 232405442663 I.N0 2.sets I-Job 232405442773 2-Sets 232405442363 I.No 2.Sets 100b 2324054429 •Job 232405443363 I-NO 1 •JOb 232405443403 I-NO 2 -Sets I •Job TSE- 232405443413 I-NO •Job 232405443433 I-No 2.Sets I-Job 232405443453 2.Sets I -Job 232405443463 I.N0 2.Sets 1 •Job 232405443513 a-sets I •Job 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 814cooo 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2071000 530COD0 1646500 8140000 2071000 5300500 1646500 814C000 2071000 5300500 1646500 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 814C000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8140000 2071000 5300000 1646500 eucooo 2071000 5300500 1646500 81acooo 2071000 530C000 1646500 8141000 2071000 5300000 1646500 9240500 2071000 5300000 1646500 924C000 2071000 5300000 1646500 9240000 2071000 5300000 1646500 9240500 2071000 5300000 1646500 9240000 2071000 5300000 1646500 9240000 2071000 5300000 1646500 9240000 2071000 5300000 1646500 162800 41420 106000 32930 1620 a 1420 1060C0 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 162dCO 41420 106000 32930' 162800 41420 06000 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 41420 106000 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 162800 41420 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 162800 41420 106000 32930 184800 41420 106000 32930 184800 41420 106000 32930 184800 41420 106000 32930 184800 41420 106000 32930 1848.00 41420 106000 32930 41420 106000 32930 184800 41420 106000 32930 39 i i 40 i 41 i 42 i 43 44 45 46 47 iv 48 49 50 54 i iv 52 53 54 55 Filter Plant For Army Camp Awaran Under PSOP 8274 of Filter Plant (RO. D'O or T'Well Bore SfLgf solacSÅtgrn Civil Work Filter Plant for Wali Jan Bazar Lugon Bedi (Under PSOP 8274 Sil of filter Plant 3000Gn D'O of Bore Sil g! Civil Work Filter Plant for Cadet Collage Jahoo Under PSOP 8274 sti of Filter Plant D'O Bore of Solar m Civil Work Filter Plant for Sawadan Jahoo Under PSOP 8274 Sil of Filter Plant DIO of Bore Sil of_ Civil Work Filter Plant for Govt Boys High School Kohro Jahoo (Under PSDP 8274 Sl of Filter Plant (RO. Bore Sil Of Solar tern Work Filter Plant for Fazal Sooren Gok0 Jahoo (Under PSOP 8274 Sil of Filter Rant (RO. 3000Gln) TDUell Bore Sil of Scdar m Civil Work Filter Plant for Main Bazar Arah Jahoo Under PSOP of Plant SilofSo{arS tem CtVil Work Filter Plant for Hospital Mashkey Under PSOP 8274 Sil of Plant D'O Bore Sil of Solar m Civil Work Filter Plant For Govt Boys Collage Awaran {Undet PSOP 8274 Sil of Filter Rant Bore Slot Solar S tem Civil Work Filter Plant tot Water Works Awaran Under PSOP 8274 Sil of Plant 5000Gln) D'O Bore SilofSolarS m Civil Work Filter Plant for OHQ Awaran (Under PSDP 8274) of Filter Plant (RO- SflofSolarS tem Work Filter Plant tor WSS Master Iqbal Chedagi Aware n (Undet psop 8278b Sl of Filter Rant Bore Sil of Cwil Work Filter Plant for WSS Mousa Chedagi Bazar SII of Solar Civil Work Filter Plant Gishkore psop 827 SlicfF 50C9Glny_ wss S} of r em Plant for Musafir Iniqaton Colon (Under psop 8274 Filter 50COGln D'O o' T/Weu Bore Sl of Solar Work Filter Plant for Govt Girls High School Awaren (Under psop 8274 SII (OF. 50COGln DO of TJWejl Bore Sl of Solar em Civit Work Filter Plant for Govt BOYS Model High Sc hood Awaran Under PSOP 50COGln D'O TIWe1 Bore SII of Scdar em Work Filter Plant for Gids Inter Collage Awaran Under PSOP 8274 Filter punt 50COGln DO Bore Sl of Solar Work Filter Plant for Govt Hight School Hassan Pirandar Under PSOP 8274 50COG10) TJWell SII of Solar System CWil Work Filter Plant for Abdul psop 8274) SO of Filter Plant Bove Sfl of Solar tem CWil Work Filter Plant for Peelki Awe ran {Under PSDP 8274 Sil of Filter Plant 5000Gln DO Bore Sil of Solar Civil work Filter Plant Murad Jan Bazar Chedagi Under psop 8274 Sl of Filter Plant' 80- Sil of Solar m CNil Work Filter Plant for Jama Masjid Waja Bagh Jah00 (Under PSOP 8274 SO of Filter Plant D,'D Bore Sil of Scdar tem Civil Work INSTALLATION OF 38 X WATER FILTRATION PLANTS EH AWRAN JHAO AND GISHKORE) Under psop 8274 Silo' PEP 232405443523 I-NO 2-Sets I-JcO TSE. 232405443563 2-Sets 232405443593 I.No 2.Sets I-JcO 232405443613 I.NO 2-Sets 232405443643 I-NO I-Jco 232405443 I.No 2.sets 232405443693 2.Sets 1 -Jct 232405443713 I.No 2.Sets 2.Sets 232405443753 I.NO I.No 2.Sets 232405443763 I.No 2.Sets 100b TSE. 232405443863 2.Sets I-Jct 232405443913 I-NO 2 •Sets I-Jct 232405443933 I-NO 2.sets 1 •dcb I.NO I-NO 2.Sets tact 232405443973 I-NO I-NO 2.Sets 1•JcO 232405443993 1•JcO 840000 2071000 5300000 1646500 844C000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8440000 207 tooo 5300000 1646500 8440000 2071000 5300000 1646500 b44C000 2071000 530CODC 1646500 8440000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8440000 2071000 5300000 1646500 8440000 2071000 5300000 1646500 9740000 2071000 5300000 1646500 9740000 2071000 5300000 1646500 9740000 2071000 5300000 1646500 9740000 2071000 53000 1646500 9740000 207 tooo 5300000 1646500 9740000 2071000 53000 1646500 9740000 2071000 5300000 1646500 9740000 2071000 5300000 1646500 10000000 1688C0 a 1420 106000 32930 41420 32930 41420 1060C0 32930 1688C0 41420 106000 32930 41420 106000 32930 168800 41420 106000 32930 168800 41420 106000 32930 168800 41420 32930 19400 41420 106000 3330 194800 41420 106000 32930 194800 41420 32930 194ÉC0 41420 106000 3330 194800 41420 106000 32930 194800 106000 32930 194800 41420 106000 32930 194800 41420 106000 32930 200000 Rasheed Sandum PSOP 8274 (Under Sl of Filter Plant (UF- 50COGlnJ DO Bore SII of Solar em work The procurement shall be made under BPPRA Rules 2014,Eligibility: The contractors must have registration with. (Code CE 09/WEE•11} Tax authorities' (NTN & Sales Tax department, BRA}.Valid deposited renewal fee . and ManufacturejFirms should from PEC Department Quetta Balochistan-» Firms Specializing in Filtration Service with Three Years of Work Order and maintenance record eligible to bid, the selected firms will be responsible for three rs of Operational/ Maintenance/ Recurring System Total Cost Ise}wenty Million. Compliance with Laws, regulations, and industry standards is mandatory. Technical Expertise, Experience. and financial capability will be the selection criteria. (NOTE: The Firm that fulfil the eligibility criteria and requirement of Filter Plants will be awarded the Contract, and additionally, all other Schemes such as Bore, Solar, Civil Work and Pipes will be entrusted to the Same Firms)» the bidder must provide undertaking that his'their firm has not been black listed any where in Pakistan." the bidderiContractor has an office in the province with representative office in the District/ Province.» only complete bids received on due date and time shall be considered eligible-Method of Procurement; Single Stage, One envelope,Bid Security: the bid must a cornpany bid security in the shape of call depositofamountspecifiedabovein thenameoftheundersignedfrom a schedule bank.Tender Documents: The ContractorlFirm Should Download Tender Documents by self from of tender documents: From the date of publication of NIT to 21-06- 2024 During office hours on week daysLast date of Bid Submission: The tender should be submitted on 21-06-2024 tilt at 10:00 AM at the office of under SignedOpening: AJI tenders wilt be opened on same day at the Office Of under Signed at 11:00 AM , Place Of Issuance, subrnission inquires and opening will be: Address: Public Health Engineering, Division Awaran. The terms and conditions can be seem /Obtarn from Office ofthe undersigned. Phone No; 0856511107 Email EXECUTIVE ENGINEER PHE DIVISION AWARAN PRO No.2795J03-6-2024 Www.dpr* from Express dated 05 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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