Municipal Corporation Faisalabad Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TENDER NOTICE Sealed Tenders j Bds based on martet rates or on MRS •m hereby the m,rks from fims •omo hue been enlisted. or they ha•n enhsynents *4th me ot the Fansalabad for lhe financtal year 2023-24. The Tender B'ddang docurt*nts are ava.labåe the office 01 the Muntlpal Offcet (Infrastructure) Of invitation ot Tender i Bid and Will be Issued on production of eNstnwnt cop.iØ8/ up to dato renewal and Of lee tecevpt, Natonal Identity Card of the contractor I managvng parmer Of Irm ehngyith registered pomt Of and payment 01 prescnbed Tender Bid fee BS Notification Of {C&W) depettn»nt. The Tender Edding documents be Issued up to 26-06-2024 starting from date of pubk.atbn ot his nob* and recegved up to 27-06-2024 at 12:00 PM and opened on day 27-06-2024 at 12:30 PN the Iqbal Hall MCF otfice in presence Of the Tender Bidding og» committee and contractors ot their representative. may care to be present at the 0*nvng date and tirrw. There must no cuttng I in Tender I Bidding brms, No telegraphic Tender •nd wthout money wil be entertained. The I detail Ot and other can seen Ot Munkipal Offeer (Infrastructure) on any m:rking day duhng ofte hour. The firm contractor Shall paytTkt1t 01 taxes at the Of rebase Ot payrnønt as under rubes In Case of Tender j Arrount quoted is 5% beyond 5% of estimated cost. Terøee haw to deposit *ficrmance secunty in ot trom a schdeuse bank equiveient to difference of estg•nated COSt as per Standing Ot the punjgb, Issue of Tenders Bids be subject to me polity Of Gowrnrt»nt regarding measures to onsurø prqress quality of sh0'.m•t by contractors are reviewed from to tin* Of Tender sub*ct to proviSlons contained in BAR Code. PPRÅ Rubes be applicabbe Name ot Schemo Improvement ot Carpet toad Madina Chowt to Azam Nagar Main Road Faisalaböd Reøo.r / Improvement ot Cervet Road frotn Millet Rood Azad Cho••" to H0åsery ROäd & Kiran Street Jernee Masjid A1-Rehmat' wali New Garden Town Repair Improvement ot Carpet Road Jemee•l ab'd ChOWk to Gande Jamia Selfie wala Road, Repair Irnprovement Of Carpet Road fromu•ne.Z Gah Malik Put to Sheikhupura Road (Sugar Mor) Malik put. Repair Improvement of PCC Street NO' t 2 MOh&llah Ghazia Abad No, & Street Baghdadi Masj'd Johar Colony Ghana Abad Repair Improvement ot Street NO. 10 to 12 MBi•n Bazar Ghazia Abad No. 1 Repair Improvement of Branch at near Madrisa Faisalabad Resedenca Mr.•l Shahzad Head {Fio•nc•) -Alum Pahan weli Ground Peoples Colony NO. 2 Construction Repairof Govt. Residence Of Mt. Syed Ahsan Abbas •t near WASA Tanki peoples Cojony NO. 2 FBiS&18bBd constructionTRepait of Govt Residence of Mt. Usman *hrnad (Electricjan) et near Abdul Academy Peoples Colony No, Repair of Govt Residence Mr. Muhammad Aslam at near Goal Masjid Ghulam Muhammad Abad Favsatabad. Providing Frx•ng Of LEO Lights 30/WBtt (Philips. Osram. GE or Equivalent) in Naseer Abad. Ameen. Baghan Pura Mugh&'l pun etc. CC—44 of Carpet Road Street NO, 3 Mainta Street Tom Fasalabad Cost t t 760000 13735000 10414000 763000 1320000 1057000 1045000 4987000 COR 482450 588000 686750 5207m 88150 49000 52250 249350 Chief Officer Municipal Corporation Faisalabad Newspaper ( uo Jun, zuz4) IPL-5238 Administrator Municipal Corporation Faisalabad from Express dated 05 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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