Kalabagh Headworks Division Daudkhel Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** EPR INVITATION OF AUCTION BIDS FQR OF TOLL TAX AT JINNAH BARRAGE DISTRECT MIANWAU FOR THE YEAR 2024-25. bids tenders for the award of contrad for Toll Collection Rights at Jinnah Bo-rage in Karabagh Headworks Division. Daudkhel tor a penod ot 365-days commencing from 01 07 2024 to 30 0S 2025 tot the year 2024-25 be received by In orneo of Exocutlvø Enginoor. Knlnbagtt Headworks DaudkhCJ the headed by Supodntondlng Englnoor. Thal Canal Citclo, Mlanwali tn the presence of bedders ot representativos who may care to be peesent as pet schedule given below Tonder issuo Dato & tlma Tenders wil Issued upto 24.06.2024 (04:00 FM) Dato & umo of Rocolpti oponing Date or receipt is 2S 06.2024 til 12.30 PM and opening on the same day at 01:00 PM Cost OT Earnest Rcsorvo Price bidding Monoy documcnts Rs 40.506 MiB,on 2025 Rs.tO.CC0}. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The reserve price has been approved as Rs. 40.506.MiIIion tor the period from 01 07 2024 to JO 06 2025 The persons finns I company who intend to partripate in biddlng process Will have to turnish earnest money in shape ot deposit at call drawn in favour of ExecuLivo Engineer, Kalabagh Headworks Division. Daudkhel from a scheduled Bank ot Pakistan with lhe bidding documents. lading 015d&bullng documents not be entenained. The depos.t at call will be got venfied from the concerneo Bank The bldd&bullng documents will be issued after getting the attested copy spectmen signature of bidder and pover o' attorney in case ot Firm. The cost o' bidding doatments IS Rs. 10.0001. (Rupoos Ton Thousand only) in cash which i' nonrefund8ble. Possession tor Rights ot Colleeoon 01 toll Tax at Jinnah Barrage 10 me suecess!ul Bidder be handed over aner approval trom Competent Authority and depositing cf I " Installment Tne n9htS Of Conect&bullon of Toll Tax by the Contractor expüe on 30 06.2025 24 00 hours at the latest contract not rescendee earlier vialaljon of Conlraa Agreert*nt and conditions laid down In this notice In case or notification Ot any Local Howay In District Mlgnwalj on any date g&bullven aoove, the scneøue of sale I receipt / opening af tenders Shau stand u*gnged The bidder shall sign each and every page of Ihe bidding documents and shall bc bound in all respect to the mrtditions laid down lhetein_ The bid amount wrll be the net amount pay&e by thesuceessful bidder to tne Government tn 12&bullequal monthly installments In advance. In ase of failure 10 'make payment of installment wttn,n ove date. toe &bullalon win be taken under Clause 22(b) of the contract. All expenses provision. operüon anc maintenance or all facilities inchJdlng uti.ty biJshentioned In the bid documents be bome by tne successful bidder and no deduction from the amount be adnsslble Executive Engineer. Kalabagh HeadworiwOrhsion, Daudkhel shall upon request communute any bidder. lhe grounds its rejection of bids, but shall not be required to Justify those grounds Toll Tax shall be levied an vehicles pergpptoved schedule as notified by the Government of the Punab Irrigation Departrnent vide Notification Nov SO (All dated 03.08.2022 Successful Bidder will be bound tg provide the Bank guarantee from any schedule Bank of Pakistan having validity up to 30.09.2025 equal tguAO% of the totat Bid amount within 5(Five) days before issuance cf acceptance letter in addition to earnest money. otherwse his earnest money be forfeited in favour Gavemment ot Punjab and has bid Shan be deemed to have been cancered g. The successful bidder shawnot be entitled 10 any compensation. for any loss jn toll income in any circumstances nor shall claim (or relcef on account of any reason thereof 10. The successful bidderwlll also pay all types 01 taxes I duties I tewed by the Government from time to time Olong wtLh month' installment. It be. in addition to the monthly installment on the oasts 01 his bid. It. Doa.rnent&bull pe g 10 the bid can be seen purchased in the office of lhe Executive Engineer Kalabagh Headwot*3 Division. Daudkhel on any worktng day during Office hours, 12. In case Government enhances the rate of Ton Tag above, the rate already notified, the reserve pnce Bid pace shall increase with the same percentage 13. The successful bidder will be bound aner approval 10 deposit each installment on me I e working oay of each calendar month in shape 01 cash. In case of violation, contract clause&bull22ta) Will be applicao:e Installment in shape ot cheque is not acceptable. 14. The ategories ot vehicles mentioned in the Äntract agreement and notified by lhe Govemmen: Shalt be exempted from payment of Toll Tax 15. The same notice can also be seen on PPRA & Irigation Department web3de Executive Engineer Kalabagh Headworks Division, Daudkhel IPL-5260 from Express dated 05 June, 2024
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