Samundri Drainage Division Faisalabad Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** SAMUNDRI DRAINAGE DIVISION, FAISALABAD. TENDER NOTICE Seaned Tenders as per Market Rate System (M.R.S Bi-ennua1-2023 & July, 2023 to 310' 2023 & January, 2024 to 'unev 2024) basea on stam:fardized SChedOle / item of Market Rates Oistrjct Faisal* Chillbt and as cu prevailirsg market rates are invited trom the approved Centractars Of Imgatjon have their Enlistment / Renew-at Fee tor the year 2023-24 Witn the oeparo-nent. The Terdet•s be received at P.M and opened at P.M on in the ornce the in Of the Contractors or their authorized repceæntotive who ore to be present at the time. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 17. Bid scrutiny (Earnest money) @ or the estimated amount in the of at call in favour of Executive Engineer, Samundri Drainage Oivisjort. Faisalabad from scheduled bank must me terder. faiUnq WhiÜt terrier will not be entertained. The Tender Forms will issued on written request onty to those Contractors/ firms Who Will prr:xluee otioanal Enlistment Letters/ Renewal Receipt Fee/ PEC / Authority letter / CNINC of the contractor / partner ot the Firm / Registered Power or Attorney, Blank Tenders can be obtained duri/'9 office hours on payment usual Tender Fee (Non Refundable). No Tender will issuaj on the date or or In case the total tendered amount iS JOSS than of the approved estimated amount, the lowest Will have to deCOSit Q'ua'ity Assurance security from ony bank under sr. DIRECTION FOR TENDERER> as per Governmtent Notification (Technical) FO oated 0409.2012 Within or issuance of Notice. sct»edvre or quantities. specifieatio,nsr drawings ond other conditions etc. can seen during the office hcurs in tro office of the order-signee on any workjng Acceptance ot tender & Rate lies with the cornpetent authority; which ri9ht to reject / accept all tenders •under Rules 35 or PPRA 2014" In.comprete / overwriting' cutting in the tender form iS not acceptable. All of the contract agreement to abide by the bidders. Tender be received according to singte stage (One envetope prcredure under Clause 380) in PPRA Rules 2014. The conditional & postal terriers will not accepted. The Arnount of work iS liable to be art,0iIed enhanced under Rule 590 (ivy Of' PPRA 2014. The Contractor iS to submit toe sealed tender forms, he cannot cttanenge the oepartrnent for the Jete approval Of tender rates from the competent authority. The lowest contractor will have to supply the Government as Stomp duty. contractor Should at)lde by the Finance 29.03.2015, in case of imbalance rate, jLXfiCial paper for the orrtount fixed by the netter dated basis of cvatuation criteria though, Any of the total bids can only rejected i), The Prxunng agency may reject i proposals at any time prior to the acceptance or o bid or gsoposal. r vest communicate to any bidder, grounds for its li)v shall u reÉction of all bids or propo,"' not required to justify those grourx3S. Acceptar•ce will orgy be issycd@bject to the rules of from administrative Department. Shall the after Of the invitaporyto bid. The Tender Form to those Revenue Authority. General Sale rax and Tax irngx;ysed by Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA) will have to payaby *cure contraaoe as per Governa•ent it applicable, No 2 Receiving date opentng date issuance date Saleguard ridge at Mam Chinbt trom scouring caused bY downstream '8*870 of Samurtdfi Drain. and fixing front government Tractot NO GALA—ISO in ChlniO't Oivis Chithi0t- aed Clearance Of Try orain trom RO,O+OOO to 8•000. 22-06-2024 at 12;OO 22-06-2024 at 12:30 P.M 21-06-2024 upto ot;oo Earnest pso NO.2952/Gennoun gated 27.05.2024. EN SMO F SMO cit 17.05.2024 S E FSO NO.SSOt90W dated 25, 102023. S.E org. FSO No.700t7WS d.ted 23.05.2024 Cost wtthaut PST'GST Pak 426.51M 298.540'. 923,921B 2500B Umit. ao.oays 05.aays O S.days IPL-5254 Newspaper ( uo Jun, zuz4) Executive Engineer, Samundri Drainage Division, Faisalabad. from Nawaiwaqt dated 05 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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