Public Health Engineering Division Okara Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUBLIC HEALTH ENGG. DIVISION, ORARA. Seated Tender based an item market rates schedule Of the respective quarter are hereby invited from tho;c who have got their registration from Pakistan Enginecring Council for Financial year 2023-24. Thc tcndcr docutncnts can be obtained from Divisional Clerk on written request Of letter pad company by showing original documents such as orikinal partncrsh[p deed or thc Tirm/contractor. original NIC card of thc proprietor/contractor 01' the firm. in case Of authorized person his authority letter on stamp paper v.eüh his original N IC on payment of prescribed tender in favour Of Executive Engineer. Publie Health Division Okara. The tender forms will be issued on 21.0642024 upto 10.00 & received on same day i.e 21.062024 up to sharp 11:30 AM and will be open at 12.00 Noon in this Office at Old Katchcry near Account Office Okan in thc presence of contractors or their authorized representative who may desire to be present at that time on the following terms and conditions. All the estimates have been technically sanctioncd by the competent authority. The blank tender form can be purchased from the Head Clerk of this Office at thc non refund;ible cost mentioned against the coch scheme during normal office hour. NO tender except those purchased as mentioned above. will be entertained/acccpted, • Tenders/bids received bypostorthrough any other meansshallnotbe accepted. • Theconditional, incomplete and overwritten tender/bids Will be rejected. • All • In Case ot any kind orpublic holiday nextworklng day will be considered asrecciving and opening date, • The tender documents are readily available from the Divisional Head clerk Of this Office during the office hotrs on Fcsenting the Original Challan 32.Awith depositGOender fee on accotmt of C02726 P.V remittance into National Dank Main Branch Okara till IS.06.3024 during office hours aner the publication of this receipt creditable to Executive Engineer E advertisement under C-02726 commun" Okara as under Rules N•m•• Work NO Provqstcn of F"t.ratton Plant tuff t sewerage Dra inage, Brtk and Sullage Cerrier in ROhoilö H*ittpya E,stjmated 18,833 Bld security Earnest Money TSN080at. Lahore, E/2022-23'876/P&D 05.20 4 Umit ye,ar NOTE. 2. 3. 4. S, 6. 9. Theproeuringagencyrtiay ill the Bids orproposals •tony time prior tothe acceptance ola Eid ofpropsal. The procuring agency Shall upon request communicate to any bidder. the grounds its rejection of bid / bids or proposals, but shall notbe required to justify those grounds. An affidavit on paper is required for no litigation certificate against department- In case the totSl tendered amount is less than of the approved estimated (DNITJ amount, thc lowest bidder will have to deposit rterformance security / quality guaranw equal to tender amount below estimated cost within 1 S days issuaRéOTnotice ror deposit 01 additional perforrnance guarantee or Witwn expiry peral Ofbid whichever is earlier' as per Finance Department NO. RO (Tech) datedt if failure the tender Will be cancelled With the forfeiture money withoutany Turthernottte. should sign the every page 01 blddtngdocuments. Failing which the tender iS considered as rejected. All terms and conditions of tenders / contract documents Shall be Strictly followed, Conditional tender / bid and tenders / bids received by post Ot' through any Otbcr means Shall not be accepted Workwill be sot completed strictly as per tune limlt mentioned against each. Applications or work ch•rge employees requjrtd tar supervi$ion of scheme. IPL-5259 u Newspaper ( uo Jun, zuz4) Executive Engineer Public Health Engg Division Okoro from Nawaiwaqt dated 05 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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