Infrastructure Development Authority Of The Punjab Lahore Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** IDAP INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE PUNJAB (IDAP) TENDER NOTICE 2024/Bld/34 PROVISION OF FURNITURE FOR CIRCUIT HOUSE RAWALPINDI l. Ihe 'Infrastructure Development Authority Punpbi OAP {Employer) has been esta00shed as an Autonomous body under the Infrastructure Develoornent Auth«wty ot Puri0b Act. 2016 by the Governmen' Of Punpb tcc P40nnng. designvng. construction and maintenance of Infrastructure in ine wi'h best international proctces to cope with future development needs. 2. Defals of the ptocurement a e as follows: Appucable Estimated Cost (PKR) PPRA Rules A pproximotety farnended 107 W'.ion opto dote) Security (PKR) 2 Wlion Bidding Validity Procedure (Days) Bidding Method O pen Competitive Lost date for documents 2024 3. Interested applicants may downl Veneer notice/Tender document from the Punjab Procu•rement Regulatory Au' PPRA) website httpui/ and IDAP weosite, ngtlf Its pobbC0tlton In the newspapers 4. render documents ovo" Obtained from the 0d&ess rom the publication ot this advertisement ond can be IOW upon submission ot norvefundoble fee amounting ees Only) in the fcrrn ot COR/Pav Order/Demond Draft in to PKR 2.000/- (Two Thou 'he ot Authority ot the Punjab 5. jn case. the lost dot; the Proposal Subm.ssion is o public ho"doy then the next waking day be considered Proposal subrnission Opening, Finoncial uments (Single-Stage Envelope (SSTE) comprising technical and sepcyatelY marked and sealed envelopes. placed in on ou'er sealed envelope pgepared in With the instructions in Tender Docurnents„ must reach at Committee Roam. Ground Fbot. LOh0.•e on betace June 21, 2024 no loter thon O PM PKT Technico Bid wil be ooened on the some day of 04:00 PM PKT, GENERAL MANAGER (PROCUREMENT & CONTRACTS) INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE PUNJAB (IDA?) SO 8-3. Gulberg•lll. Lahore, Pakistan. Ph: +92 (O) 42 99332632.42 I Newspaper ( 05 Jun, 2024) UPL.5313) , from Nawaiwaqt dated 05 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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