Building Division Lahore Tender Notice 2 for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PREQUALIFICATION NOTICE 6TH BUILDINGS DIVISION LAHORE Applications are invited from Specialized firms of VRF / HVAC System RegiStered with Pakistan Engineering Council in Category C-2 or above with Specialized code ME-OI renewed for the year 2023-24 having valid Authorized Dealership / Sole Distributer certificate (in original) from country of origin and good repute and experience Of executing work of similar nature in the public sector building for participating in the tender of following work:- Name of Work REVAMPING OF JINNAH HOSPITAL, LAHORE (Provision and Installation of VRF / HV System). Approximate Cost Rs.622.OOO PEC Category C-2 & above Interested firms / contracto can obtain / purchase set of RFP / Pre-QuaIification documents regarding evaluation criteria. List of documentary evidence required to demonstrate their respected qualification and information deems necessary for pre-qualification by the procuripg agency on a request to the undersigned on payments of Rs.3000/- only. The pre-qualified contractors shall be entitled to participate in the subsequent procurement sedings. The RFP / pre-qualificatio documents can be obtained / purchased during office hours from the office of the undersigned after the publication in the newspaper upto 24-06-2024 ipt of submission of booklet (in duplicate) shall be 26-06-2024 till whereas last date closing offices h Any &bullnformation / detail in this connection can be obtained from the office of the undersigned on any working days, Only pre-qualified firms will be invited to participate in tendering process. The evaluation committee for pre-qualification reserved the right to pre-qualify or reject any or all the applications on the evaluation criteria prescribed under the PPRA Rules 2014 (with up-to-date amendments.) IPL-5258 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER 6th Buildings Division Lahore o Newspaper ( 05 Jun, 2024) SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER Buildings Circle No.2 Lahore from Nawaiwaqt dated 05 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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