Pakistan State Oil Company Karachi Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION TO BID Sealed E-Bids are invited through SAP Ariba from eligible contractors with adequate past relevant expenence and financial ca abilities for the below ca tioned tender(s)," SR. # TENDERS DESCRIPT IOX Engineering Design Services required for Upgradation BIDDING TENDER No. PROCEDURE 1 of Fire Fighting System at Chakpirana Depot Procurement of Tyres for PSO Aviation Stations on 2 AM-IS013-lA Basis. Single Stage Two Envelope TENDERS AVAILABILITt' These tenders will be available through SAI) Ariba Portal Only TFNI)ER FFE: - Pak Rupees 2,000/- (LNon-Refundable) in favour of Pakistan State Oil Company Limited. (For Each Tender) FOR S. NO-I TENDER DOCUMENTS COLLECTION (THROUGH SAP ARIBA) BID SUB-MISSION (THROUGH SAP ARIBA) BID OPENINC (TIIROUGII SAP ARIBA) roR s. No. 2 TENDER DOCa„1ENTS COLLECTION (THROUGH SAP ARIBA) BID SUBMISSION (THROUGH SAP ARIBA) BID OPENING "IHROUGH SAPARIBA DATE 06.0692024 to 24.062024 25.062024 25.062024 DATE 06.06.2024 to 05.072024 os.07.2024 08.072024 TIME 08:30 AM to 04:30 TILL0215P.M 03:00 ONWARDS TIME 08:30 AM to 04:30 PM TILL02!15 03:00 ONWARDS NOI h: For Single Stage Üliwo Envelope bid ding procedure, commercial bid opening date and time will be communicated later to the technicall ' ualified bidders r. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Any party interested to participate in any of the tender(s)/prequalification may send its request for tender documents through SAP Ariba Portal in the following manner: l. Scanned copy of the duly signed and stamped request on official letterhead of the bidder 5hall be uploaded on SAP Ariba Portal. In the subject request teller, please mention "Tender Documents Col lection Request — Tender No. 2. Request shall be accompanied by scanned copies of the following: a, Valid NTN GST/PST certificates, CNIC of owner/ authorized representative. Vendor should be an aclive lax payer. b. Evidence of deposil of Rs. (mentioning thc lender as Tender Fee in lhe following bank account: Title of Account - PAKISTAN STATE OIL COMPANY LIMITED IBAN: PK30 TIABB 0007 8640 3245 3217 Account No. 0786-40-3245-3217 Branch code 0786 HBL Plaza Branch 141. (Imandrigar Road, Karachi. CORRIGENDUM Subject: Engineering. procurement and uction of Leak ,Theft Detection and line condition monitoring system for PARCO-PSO Faisalabad l'ipelines ISin HSD and 16in PMG (7.2 km each) at PSO Faisalabad Depot. (Email: sania.'aved@ so lÅt: 2246). Reference to our press advertisement ated 12.05.2024 for the subject Expression of Interest (EOI). Please note that the EOI Documents Collect• 4dSubmission and Opening dates have been revised as per table below. PARTICULARS EOIBOCUMENTSC LLYCTION (THROUGH SAP ARIBA) OUGH SAP ARIBA) EOT SUBMISSION EOIOPENIN {OUGH SAP ARIBA) ferms DATE TILL2806.2024 01.072024 01.072024 TIME 08:30 AM TQ 04:30 P-M 03:001jv ONWARDS This advertisemenl is also available on PSO website Pledse note that interested vendors not having Ariba Network ID are requested to register themselves on SAP Ariba Portal by clicking on the link below to access and participate in upcoming PSO tenders,•.8022/ The bidders are urged 10 visiL PSO & PPRA websites regularly for any further changes be ltpdaied by the Company, front time to time. PAKISVAN srATEOlL LIMITED FLOOR, pso HOUSE KHA'CAHAN-E-IQBAL CLIFION, KARACHITFI* Ill-III-PSO 32712213 & 224b www.p:€opkxonv'pro O Newspaper ( 05 Jun, 2024) from Dawn dated 05 June, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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