Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority Karachi Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PAKISTAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY (PCAA) INVITATION -ro BID Sealed bids (in accordance with PPRA Rule No. 36(b) are invited by below mentioned office for the following requirements in Pak Rs.:- Bid Fee S.#. Description & Bid No. (PKR) Non- refundable i. Fixed Bid Security (PKR) 598,0 Bid Submission Daternme 20-05-2024 100 Hours Bid Opening Last date for Basis issuance of Bidding pKR (Price) Date/Time/Place Documents PROCUREMENT OF AIR CONDITIONING UNITS I.T.No. H QCAA/1984,241 /XXLA 200/- 20-06-2024 1130 Hours Log. Center (S) (Log. APS Branch) 19-06-2024 F.O.R Bids may be submitted as per conditio set out in Bidding documents downloadable (freeofcost) from the website & www. r . d obtainable physically from the address given below on any working day between 0900 Hrs to 1230 Hrs by paying Bid Fee (non-getu dable) through deposit slip in Account No. 6-1-2-20614-714-115525 (Title of account "Civil Aviation Authority") in Habib Mé@opolitan Bank Ltd. Star Gate Branch Karachi and submitting the request letter along with bank deposit slip, proof of Active Taxpai@$ & GST/NTN Certificates ot the bidder. No Bidding Documents would be issued on the Bid opening date. Bids must be droppe "Bid drop Box placed at under mentioned office on or before bid submission date / time as per schedule. Note: All bidders bidding document from PCAA website shall immediately inform PCAA before bid opening date / time through request letter (alohg with proof of Active Taxpayer List & GST / NTN Certificates of FBR) at the address below for inclusion in subsequent cemmunication. PCAA will not be responsible for any lack of communication or non-receipt of information by bidders dueto ignorance / violation of this instruction. Time period tor performanö%t contract: Till the satistactory completion ot contract and warranty period. PCAA reserves the rightS&accept / reject any or all bids due to cogent reasons which will be communicated to bidders on request. This adveftisement is also available on PPHA website and CAA website Warning: Any financial instrument submitted by bidder, if found fake or got dishonored at any stage would result in blacklisting and legal action as per law. Addltlonal Director, Loglstlcs (APS), Logistics Center (South), HQs Civil Aviation Authority, JIAP Karachi Pakistan Tel: 021-9907-260 Fax: 021-9924-2784 PID (K) No 3446/23 www.caapaki$ O Newspaper ( 05 Jun, 2024) from Dawn dated 05 June, 2024
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