Health Department Karachi Tender Notice for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** 1 and Specialist Logistic GOVERNMENT OF SINDH HEALTH DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Assignrne:nt Title: Selection Todividual Consultants Credit Nov IDA "1490 Thc Of Sindh (Hereinafter culled nus financing International in the or a credit Chereinaner credit) towrards the COSt oc strengthen National Health Support in the Sindh Provinee. Thc project i.>irector. Proyect Managcrnent Unit. National I-icalth Support Progranm in Sindh and is intended to apply part Of thc procccds of this INF-KRY: 1817/24 9. 12. 13. 15. 17. 18. 19. 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 06 04 02 13 M aster's in i cs Business Gender euni Training Speciulist Associate Engineer CCivil) MIS Associate Research Associate (PPS-7) Finance Assistant (PI*S-C,) Data Processing Assistant CPPS-6) (rrs-2) Sanitary W orker Olliee Assistant @ District levciCPPS-O) Masters in Gender Anthropology BE B. Tech in Civil Studies/ in i stration./ S ociologyi Sociology/ in 10 year Of proven experience in public/ private sectors Functional t_jnclerstanding with Government Ote Sindh and World nank procurement rules. MUSt have a computer knowledge with developtng procurement and logisties management plan and understanding Of inventory keeping rnanagernentu Good cornrnand over written and spoken English with equally ort writin and anal &bullcal *kill. comrnand over communicanon in government or I O years or relevant experience non-governmental organizations Knowledge and experrence in gender based violence. grievance managements and violence against women/ girls will be considered as asset. Must computer knowledge with developing gender specifie strategies and (.t-üining plan 5 years Of relevant experience non-governmental organizations. in gover-nrnenr credit iPor payntent to the 4 &bullIndividual Consultant Services" to procured The Consultant services to he basis are as follows: Name PPS Program 1. t.>treetor p 10) 2. Public Health Specialist (PRS-10) 3. MIS Specialist CPPS-9) SpecioIi3t CPPS-9) Specialist (PPS-9) Financial Specialist (PRS-9' O Newspaper ( 05 Jun, 2024) Pos 01 01 01 OJ 01 M. B. B. s,' MAS/MPH/MBA}MSPH this project S years Ot' Ot' professional management 5 years experience in health project* at national/ und Agencies project experience. Understanding health and health systems is essential. Must have a computer knowledge and developing annual i'" tementation and tans. years experience i" ot level. with written good over v&bulleport writing unalytieni skil have u Cornputcr developing i p &bullmentation and procurement plans 10 years relevant experience in health services delivery. public health progrant development ov prograun implementation is essential health regiitari&euro"tts: and sysrerrt- skills, Understanding Of health department and health systems is essential. OS years of relevant experience in public private sector. have with net-working and systerns skills with good understanding Of & Good con&bulltnand over written and spoken English with equally good and anal tieuj skill. 1 2 years Of relevant experience in organizations Must have a skills in developing promoting health messages EC rnutcrial. I O years Of relevant experience in govern-ment or nongovernrnentul Must have a cornputer knowledge veith n-conitoring, evaluation and research skill. Ability to use SPSS. S.A.S. STAT.A or equivalent program. Good over &bullwritten and spoken English with equally good command over communication rc ort wrttin and anal skill. Ar least 10 year experience in financial manacenut'nt, audit or accounts. Prior experience Of" donor handed and public sector projects will be accorded due weightage. Must have u cornputg:r knowledge with developing financial demand and expenditure plan well as know&bullledge Of publte audit and account control. Good command over written and spoken English with equally good financial report writing anal ical skill. (MIS )/Musters in MIS. M aster's in Public Health/ Anthropology: Soctal Work G i 011 Policy Munugernent,' Pubi ie Social Sciences, M BBS wit.i'i/ot&bull Masters in Health Policy Munugement,/Publie IIealthA&bullIeaIthcare & i&bulllospitai N&bulllanagement or eqtnva.lent. Masters in ITfComputer Sc en Musters in Heu I t h/ Bachelor Degree in ecunputer sciencei infi..vnroation teelxnology one year IT diploma Mi Ie pass drivin -ticense. pass I pass Primary pass pretörat*ly Minimum qualification graduate with required valid Of bachelor-s 2 years relevant experienec Of handling WIIS will bc preferred. Must have computer knowledge With networking and systems skills S Years relevant experience in governrnent or nongovernmental orga ions Must have a computer knowledge witb rescareh analysis and evaluation skill* 2 years Of experience ill public 01' private sector Must computer knowledge with developing finuncc und expenditure reports 1 year experience in data processing in public or private sector. Must have a computer knowledge witli all report and recording keeping years drtving experience Expenencc in public/ private sector Will bc preferred Work Expertence tn public/ private sector preferred Work Experience in public/ private sector will be 3 years working expertence in public/ &bullprlvate sector 'vvtll be Must good Knowledge in computing CIS using Microsoft Microsoft excel Micro son PowerPoint. Public Adv»in - Adrninistruti ve related or Cial Sciences. Musters in Sta ties/ Economies/ Social Health Of / Sciences or Equivalent. Master Degree in Finance/ preferably ACCA/CAJiCMA omics The Project Management Unit, National Health Support Prograxn Sindh no&bullvv invites interested eligible individuals to express their interest in providing the aforementioned services. Eligibility criteria and TOR* Of cach positions are in accordance with the World Bank Guidelines. Interested applicants mugt send their Expression Of Interest / applications along with their detailed updated Vitae highlighting qualifications and experience in carrying out similar assignments* for possible checks along with 2 photographs CJS'assport Size) C.NiCt. Degrees experience eertifieute mentioned below address c ill persc.yn. or by registered services) by 21 June, 2024. Only eligible shortlisted candidates will be contacted ror interview. T. A/C). A v.'ill not be acir»issible to the candidates appearing for T hose already in government service rnuy apply through proper channel. Those previously applied vacancy announcement vide INF-KRY No. 3344/23 INFiKRY/334A/2023 apply afresh as earlier process stands contract etr&bullpioyees will be hived 00 contruct basis, which will be extended subieet to satisfactory performance. Applicants applying tar nxultiple positions are required to apply separately for each position. Applicants must mention the position in C.APVVAI. letters on top ofright side Ot' "Envelope" Section Officer {Gen.) Health Departxnentt Government Of Floor Sindh Secretariat NO. Shahrae Karnal At-ia Karachi South Tel: 02-02 -09222565, 92-02 i -9922201 2 rurk, from Dawn dated 05 June, 2024
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