District & Session Court Karachi Tender Notice (2) for ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** IN THE ANTI.TERRORISM COURT-XVIII AT KARACHI JUDICIAL COMPLEX, CENTRAL PRISON KARACHI SPECIAL CASE NO. 17 of 2024 The State VERSUS Anwar Khan S/o Bahadur Mian & Others....e..Accused FIR No. 422 /2023 WS 4/5 Exp. Sub. Act-1908 R/" Sec-7 of ATA PS: SITE-A, Karachi PROCLAMATION REQUIRING THE APPEARANCE OF ACCUSED WS 87 Cr.P.C RIW S.19 (IV) OF THE ANTI-TERRORISM ACT 1997 WHEREAS, a complaint has been made before me that the absconding accused person namely Nadeem S/o Nosherwan @ Spain Dada @ Nosho, R/o Taxila, Jameelabad, Rawalapindi Punjab has committed (or is suspected to ve committed) the offence punishable under se tl s 4/5 Exp. Subs. Act-1908 R/w Section 7 A, and it has been returned to a warrant of r t thereupon issued that the above named acc sg person cannot be found and whereas, it haseén shown to my satisfaction that the said acc?9ed person has absconded to avoid the servic f the said warrant. Proclamation is hereby made)that the above said accused person is required appear within seven (07) days from publication f this proclamation in the newspapers before ths Court to answer the said complaint on 06-06-2024 at 08.30am. Given under my hand and seal of the Court this 31st day of May, 2024. JUDGE ANTI-TERRORISM COURT-XVIII KARACHI INF-KRY No. 1794/24 O Newspaper ( 05 Jun, 2024) from Dawn dated 05 June, 2024
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